A Better Author's Note

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The last one was written in the span of a minute and a half... I sincerely apologize for the poor quality of it!

To make up for it, have this:

IT WOULD BE APPRECIATED IF ALL VIEWERS TRIED TO READ THIS (You are allowed to skip over sections):

Okay, hello, everyone!

I hope you've enjoyed reading FtSoB (For the Sake of Breathing) as much as I've enjoyed writing it. But it's been almost nine months now since I've finished, and here's some questions, a request suggestions, and perhaps maybe even a favor to be asked of anyone willing to participate?

I am slowly making progress to the sequel, The Act of Revolution.

Now I confess I've been easily distracted by other romantic endeavors. (Other books, obviously.)

Also I've been struggling with inspiration lately to write the sequel, plus a small percentage of people who have read this are moving on to the sequel. I completely understand if some of you have decided you simply don't like where I'm taking this story or if my writing style bores you half to death. (I have a tendency to change my writing style quite frequently.) So do any of you have suggestions?


Do any of you have any questions?

I would actually love to be asked things! Question my logic of writing, and don't be afraid to correct me. 

If any of you are curious about anything, have found something that doesn't make sense, want a more in-depth explanation, or want me to fix an error, please let me know.

And here is a list of answers to FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):

A lot of my friends, family members, and other readers have talked to me/privately messaged me, and here's a list of 10 common questions:

1. "How does the Carbon [dioxide] Shifter work?"

I've actually mentally designed it: So imagine a tiny metal fan connected to a cylinder, and then a thick cord of a tube that connects to your mouth. (This is the first generation one I am describing here, the ones like Lake's are cooler-looking.)

The fan spews in air: (currently oxygenless, right?) and it goes through the cylinder: A chamber that cuts through carbon dioxide to find the tiny particles of oxygen within them, divide, and convert the oxygen upward and into your nose/mouth. Now, it does somewhat affect your sense of smell, and it would make sneaking up on someone much more difficult. (Unless you use the advanced one, which is near silent because it instead uses heat and light to gather out the oxygen.) If you want a more advanced explanation:

Upon entering the chamber a sensor goes off and is sent to recognize the differences between oxygen and other gases. It scans the other gases and manages to disperse the carbon dioxide/whatever else is in there back out into the environment. The oxygen is then sent upward into a different valve where the wearer can inhale it. 

2. "Why did it stop raining/producing clouds?"

It's a combination of Global Warming and the constant release of gases that polluted the air and environment. It got to the point where the greenhouse effect was making the planet ridiculously hot and all excess water was soon and quickly evaporated into the air. Bye-bye, clouds. 

3. "Why was the Great Haven unaffected?"

The Great Haven was based specifically in the Amazon forest and general northern area around it because the environmental, oxygen levels, and all of that were steady and neutral. Pollution was not outrageous in the area because: It's a giant jungle. Yes, people are working to steal oil from it and are currently polluting it, but that is besides the point. It was the healthiest place in the planet during this period of time. See, the water was still in the air, it was just in gaseous form, so it would liquidize once reaching the Great Haven. 

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