When they get hurt

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/Sorry for being so cruel to them/


Gets his tounge cut out

You're still angry at Clem for choosing to save Violet over your boyfriend. You cried so much when you found out the Delta members cutted out his tounge. Every time you look at him tears start to appear under your eyes. You miss so much Louis's voice. Knowing he'll never be able to talk again makes you want him to feel like every minute is the best minute in his life. Your brother was deaf so you had to learn sign language to be able to talk to him. You teached Louis all the letters and words. Louis told you that you could still speak but you decided that if he can't talk you won't either.
He always tells you how much he loves you. He's thankfull for all your help.


Looses his hearing

The accident was caused by one of Mitch's bombs. He wanted to make a giant bomb but Aasim wanted him to stop. When Mitch lighted the bomb he started to put it out but it was too late. The bomb exploted, it was so loud he lost his hearing. You were really sad and angry. For that day Mitch always tells that he's sorry for what happenned but you will never forgive him. For the first few day the communication was really hard. But then Aasim decided to take his History book and use it as the object to help with him "hearing". You always tell him that you feel sorry for him but he tells you that you shouldn't be. From that day he never putted down that book.


Cutting his hand off

When you were on a scavenger hunt he was listening to you and he didn't noticed the walker who was ready to bite him. It got him by his hand. Luckily you could kill the walker but it was too late. You guys decided to cut it down as fast as possible. You didn't know what he felt. He survived but without a hand. From that day if he needed everything you would always be there ready to help. He always thanks you and tells you that he would be lost without you.


Loosing her leg

You got suprised when AJ showed up without Clem at the boarding school. He told you to follow him and he leaded you to James's barn. You saw your love with one leg. You started to panic and then carried her back to the school. Couple months later she was able to walk with crutches. You're always next to her because you're really worried something will happen to her. You always help her with walking and sometimes even carrying her. She loves you so much she always hugs you for helping her.


Gets totally blind

Escaping from the Delta's boat you tried to find the bomb with Vi. When the bomb exploted you two were blacked out. Nothing happenned to you but when you found Violet you were shocked. She told you that she couldn't see and you started to cry. It was your idea to find the bomb so from then today you always tell her that you're sorry for her. You help her walk and navigate her. You guys started to use Rosie as a guide dog too.
She's really thankfull for all your help. Sometimes you two joke about that she really gave not one but two eyeballs for a chicken nugget.

Hey guuys! Yes I'm not dead! Sorry for being this late but i had a lot of work to do for this week and i couldn't put time to the book. BUT NOW I'M HEREE!!! Hope you enjoy!❤

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