The Life of a Half Faerie

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  The world of faeries is hidden from the world of humans. Though, the faerie world contains portals throughout other dimensions. One faerie, in particular, Kaelie, was fascinated with the human world and would constantly visit in secret around the world. She met one particular human and fell in love.

  Kaelie knew that it was forbidden for faeries to ever have contact with humans, but she didn't care and would meet that man every night. They would have walks, picnics, and had the best time together. One night, things went more than expected and Kaelie found herself pregnant with a half human child.

  Kaelie took what happened as a betrayal of her human lover, and she never saw him again. Kaelie had the baby who was born and was given the name Clarissa. Clarissa had the beauty of any other faerie but only had one horn when all the others had two. Kaelie knew, if anybody discovered the baby, she would be exiled in a moment's notice. Kaelie entrusted her friend Jocelyn with the secret and, together, the two raised Clarissa for 19 years in Kaelie's house, hidden away from all other faeries.

  One day, Clarissa was a little too careless while she was home alone, and one of the queen's guards, Meliorn, saw her through a window. Being a guard of the queen, Meliorn burst into the home and dragged Clarissa away to the queen. Kaelie and Jocelyn were summoned and questioned. The queen was terrified of Clarissa's half human side, for her human side would make her weak. The queen had Clarissa's horn ripped from her head and Clarissa was to be exiled from the faerie world forever.

  Kaelie was heartbroken after hearing of this. She was granted of her request and had Clarissa sent to live with her human father. The one thing that Kaelie hated the most, was that when she was exiled, a spell was placed upon Clarissa. If Clarissa and Kaelie ever looked at each other again, one of them would die. So, Clarissa left to live the rest of her life in the human world, while Kaelie was left heartbroken in the world of faerie.

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