Life in the new world

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  Clarissa was new to the human world, the only things she ever knew from it were in the stories told to her by her mother, Kaelie, and her friend, Joclelyn, told her as she was growing up. Though, now that she was with her father, things would certainly be a bit easier.

  Clarissa and her father, Valentine, spent the first night together getting to know each other, this being the first time the two had ever met. They told each other stories of Kaelie in their own worlds. And the two realized, as long as they had each other, they would never truly be without Kaelie.

  It was difficult for her, but Clarissa was able to get used to the strange objects in this world. The one thing that she truly still had from the faerie world was an acorn necklace that was a gift from Joclelyn for her 15th birthday. It always helped her to remember the good times at home.

  The scar on her head where her one horn was removed, is one that will never heal. No matter how much treatment she went through, or how long she waited, that scar, will always be a reminder of how cruel the faeries truly were.

  Clarissa soon learned for herself, everything the faeries know about humans is wrong. She then decided, that she would learn all she could about the true human world, and try to return to the faerie world, and unite the two, for she believed that the union of the two worlds, could bring about a new time of peace.

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