Part 2

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The lecture seemed to go for a life time, with my excitement bubbling just beneath the surface. I can feel my mind still reeling after the lesson as I walk with Tasha and Matt to the cafeteria. Making our way to a table with our food, I can feel Tasha's excitement as well. We eat in silence for a solid minute before she speaks. 

"So do you know what you're gonna wear?"



We continue eating before looking up at the same moment and burst out laughing like the dorks we are. 

"What is wrong with us?" Tasha laughs. "I've found myself asking the same question." I grin.

"You two sure are interesting.." Matt mutters, but he's smiling as well.

"No but in all seriousness, thank you guys so much. Like bro, not everyone has a chance to go see their favorite celebrities concert, and get V.I.P tickets!"

"We are just glad you can come Ace. Its been a lifetime since we have all just hung out outside of Uni."

"Yea I guess so. You guys are the best you know that?"

"Of course, how could I not be?" Tasha flicks her hair over her shoulder and Matt and I roll our eyes.

I pipe up with a question I had been thinking about that morning. "So about that job.. When does it start exactly?"

Uni was out for the semester at last

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Uni was out for the semester at last. The concert was tomorrow and I'm low key freaking out, as I did not have the time to prepare an outfit since my new job at the cafe took up a lot of my free time, but pay is good and my bills are getting paid off.

Driving home,I thought of all my plain jeans and t shirts I have at home and decided I needed to go shopping, so here I am calling Tasha to go with me.

"Kacey, whats up?"

"Not much, however I have decided I don't have any suitable outfits for the concert tomorrow and I need your style."

"Yaas shopping! I never thought you would ask!"

"Okay I'll pick you up in 5."

"Alright, see ya soon."


I put on some music as I'm driving, Dae-Hyuns songs of course, my favorite one called 'Control'. I feel myself singing along even though I don't understand Korean, luckily Dae-Hyun has plenty of English lines.

I pull up in Tasha's driveway. She has a rather large house which she shares with her family still, her little sister, older brother and parents. I feel a pang of homesickness for my own family who are still in New Zealand. My two little brothers, Zach who is 17 and Anthony, who is 14 and my mum who told me to take the opportunity to study instead of staying home.

"Alright, lets go!" 

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I realise Tasha has arrived. 

"Hey, yes lets!"

"Which shop? Walmart?" I ask Tasha who looks at me in horror.

"Hunny nooo. Lets try H&M ."

I chuckle but change my course so that I'm heading for the big H&M logo that is displayed on the large billboard sign up the road. I don't know what I'm getting tonight, but I trust Tasha's fashion sense.

After locking the car we rush in, as its a bit cool and windy outside.

"Okay so the plan is we need to find something trendy but slightly formal, so probably a skirt at least. Also try to find something either red or deep blue, they suit your skin tone."

"I think I'll just stick with you," I say already defeated. "I'm not the best when it comes to fashion." 

"True." Tasha smirks.

We start walking around the shop, looking at different items.

"OMG look at this!" Tash squeals. I look up to see her holding a red knitwear cropped sweater, which looked almost velvety.

"I actually love that." I say in awe.

"Knew it! You can show off that flat stomach of yours." She says winking. I roll my eyes but smile.

We continue down the isle, and we soon find a flowing mid thigh black leather looking skirt.

"That's pretty cute. " I admit and we grab that as well.

"Now for the hardest part. Shoes." Tasha's serious face makes me laugh. "What do you mean? That's like the easiest part!" She shakes her finger, "Nuh uh. Shoes are the part that make a statement. Now, I'm thinking black boot heels... "

We hunt for another 15 minutes before finding the perfect pair. They were black boots with a tight part which reminded me of a sock that reached up past my ankles.

"Well personally, I think I did a great job." Tasha boasts.

"I agree."

After paying, I drive her back home talking about tomorrow and everything that will happen. As we reach her house I give her a hug and thank her for her help.

"Until tomorrow." She smirks.

" Until tomorrow. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2019 ⏰

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