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"I can tell you're not listening to a word I'm saying you know."

"What?" I guess I'd spaced out again. "Oh, I'm sorry." My dad had been asking me something about gas mileage.

"What do you want to keep your monthly payment at? Be mindful of how much you'll make in the next month or two, you wanna be sure you'll have enough to cover them when you're not working." The banker in him was showing.

"I know, I know." My intention wasn't to be as distracted as I was, I should've been ecstatic about picking out a car. Instead, all I could think about was that family. A year and a half, they'd been there for a year and a half, yet Carter claimed to have moved in a few months ago. I didn't get it, what was he hiding from me.

"Charlotte?" My father pressed.

"Oh yes, sorry, I'm thinking along the lines of $300 or less?" The possibilities were endless when your parents were co-signing you.

"We have quite a few options." The salesman helping us was a young guy with slicked back hair and a sharp suit. "Our 2017 models will bring you in around $150-260 a month, depending on your down payment." I'd let him talk that bit over with my dad, it was time to block Carter out for a moment and focus on my soon to be four-wheeled prince.

What car screamed me? I wanted something simple, yet sleek and still easy on the eyes. Every car here sparkled as if it had been polished by magic. There were so many options. Did I want a red one, or black? A sedan, or coupe? My brain hardly knew what to make of everything.

Three hours later I was pulling into my driveway, this was definitely a feeling I could get used to. I couldn't stop myself from smiling as I took in that new car smell. It's all black, leather interior made me feel safe.

"Could you be anymore basic?" James stood there with a dorky grin on his face as he came to check out my new baby. "A Jeep, really? You're like every other female in California." He laughed.

"At least I can fit in my car." I taunted. James was pushing 6'4 and somehow still managed to squeeze into his little mustang. "Leave my Wrangler alone." I'd shoved him off while making my way inside.

"At least I don't need a booster seat for mine." We could really go at this all day.

"James, Charlotte, grow up." My mother chided. "Your brother has a point though Char, I never expected you to come back with something so...large." She laughed while carrying plates out to the patio, we were having dinner outside.

"Will you guys give it a rest, I'm 5'4 okay, I'm nearly average height. And besides, I couldn't help it, he was calling my name." My voice went up an octave as I got excited all over again.

"He?" They repeated in unison.

"Okay, please don't act like you car's name isn't Carmen." I gave James a pointed look. The shrimp skewers my mom made left my mouth watering as I had to hold back from giving my brother the bird.

"Yes, and at least she doesn't kiss it every time she gives it a buff." Leave it to my dad to always have my back, he'd finally appeared with Jasmine in tow.

"Okay can we just eat." James scowled, tossing an olive from his salad at him.

"Charlotte how's your project coming along? You've been spending a lot of time in your studio these past few weeks." My mother offered a change of subject to the one topic I didn't want to talk about.

"I'm nearly halfway through." Of course there was no telling when I'd be done now, that required Carter aka Mr. AWOL to be present. I could always paint him from memory, but that wouldn't do my art any justice.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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