Eridan X Karkat

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"Bring it, Mage."

Eridan raised his wand, fury swelling in him. Sollux had pushed him too far, and he was going to learn now not to fuck with the Prince. Feferi pleaded with them. She kept asking them to stop; she didn't want anyone else to get hurt. She wanted the fighting to stop. She just wanted to talk Eridan out of his decision. Both boys ignored her.

Karkat stormed over just as Sollux was sparking his psionics. He smacked the back of each of their heads, and began screaming at them.

"Cut this shit out you idiotic douchemuffins! What the fuck do you think you're fucking doing? Eridan, what did I JUST FUCKING SAY?! NO dueling!" He yanked the wand out of his hands and captchalogued it. "Sollux, sit your bipolar ass back down in that obnoxious horn pile this second. I have more things to worry about than the two of you. Get back to talking about your dumb feelings or whatever. I'll talk to Eridan. See how easy that shit is? Leave it to the leader to be the only rational person here!"

He grabbed Sollux's shoulders and guided him into the pile, then did the same with Feferi, "Stay. Put."

He turned back to Eridan and grabbed his wrist. He dragged him to the transportalizer, muttering a quick "Keep an eye on them," to Kanaya, who nodded. Karkat pulled Eridan on the platform with him, and they were transported to a different part of the building. They proceeded to the next platform, with Karkat's sign on it, and were zapped to his block.

Karkat released Eridan's wrist and glared at him. He was so pissed, he didn't even know what to say. He settled for just making Eridan super uncomfortable instead. He refused to break eye contact.

Eridan shifted, very uncomfortable. Success. He opened his mouth to speak a couple of times, but closed it again. Then he muttered, "He woulda deserved it."

Karkat's eyes blazed as he grabbed Eridan and threw him to the floor. They struggled until Karkat had Eridan pinned down, knees by his hips, holding his hands above his head. "I do not fucking care what you think he deserved. I told you. No. Dueling. And what did you do?"

Eridan kept his eyes away from Karkat's, biting his bottom lip. Somewhere in the struggle his scarf had come off, exposing his neck. Karkat asked again, "And what. Did you do?!"

Eridan whimpered, and Karkat noticed their position. It suddenly occurred to him, the desperate asshole was getting turned on by this. He ground his hips down on Eridan's, earning him another whimper.

Karkat scoffed, "Pay attention when I'm talking to you, asshat!" Eridan stayed still, his chest heaving. Karkat snarled at him, getting fed up. Fine. Fucking fine. If it keeps him out of trouble, have it his way.

Karkat bared his teeth and let a growl rumble in his chest, and Eridan finally looked up at him. Karkat release one arm and grabbed the seadweller's hair, yanking his head to the side and digging his teeth into his neck.

Eridan's hips jerked up and he let out a quiet squeal. He bit into his bottom lip to keep silent. Karkat started rolling his own hips against the bulge he could now feel in Eridan's pants. He finally stopped biting, and turned Eridan's head back to face him.

"I don't hate you enough to be your kismesis. This is only to keep you in fucking line. Got it?" Eridan nodded emphatically. He'd figured this wasn't nearly black enough already, but he was so turned on, he was fine with a short fling like this.

Karkat smashed their mouths together, sliding his tongue over Eridan's sharp teeth. Their tongues danced around in their mouths, not fighting for dominance, just sort of playing. Karkat pulled away, snickering when Eridan tried to follow, but was still pinned down. He licked a strip up his neck, brushing the edge of his fin. Eridan trilled and gasped at once.

Karkat finally released his hands, and tugged up his shirt. They both understood that Karkat was in charge here. Eridan complied, sitting up enough to pull the shirt over his head, and lift up Karkat's, who pulled it off himself, and returned to his neck, nuzzling and nipping it. Eridan rested his freed hands on his hips, gently pulling him closer.

Karkat continued rocking on top of him, trailing his hands down his stomach to the waistband of his pants. He undid them and sat back up. He held Eridan's eyes for a moment to make sure he was ready. Eridan lifted his fingers to Karkat's pants and grinned a little. He tugged at them, and moved his hands up his stomach, and wrapped his hands around his neck. Karkat returned to his lips and kissed him hard. His finger tugged at Eridan's hair, lightly at first, then pulling hard. Eridan moaned into his mouth.

Karkat shifted himself off him, and pulled Eridan's pants off all the way. His bulge was completely out by now, squirming, smearing purple on his skin. Eridan lay there, waiting for Karkat to take control again. His eyes were pleading pathetically. Karkat rid himself of his pants, and climbed back onto Eridan. His own bulge had come out to play too.

He pressed his body down onto the other troll, bringing up a hand to stroke a horn. He felt his bulge searching for contact, and finding Eridan's. He almost groaned out at the sensation, and covered it up by diving back into his mouth. He kissed him sloppily, enjoying the noises he made from his bulge and horn being touched so wonderfully.

He knew Eridan wanted some kind of nook stimulation, which was exactly why he wasn't going to give it to him. He was going to make him become a complete mess without his nook being touched at all. But Karkat's was wet, and he had no reason to keep himself from enjoying it. He untangled their bulges and guided Eridan's into him. It slipped right in, and Karkat let his noises come out freely, because the way Eridan keened and moaned made him not quite care anymore.

Karkat's nook was so good and tight, Eridan could tell he wouldn't last. He grabbed onto Karkat's bulge, twirling it in his fingers. Karkat started to purr, getting closer. His nook was clenching around Eridan, and he felt the purring rumbling in Eridan's chest as well. The air was thick, their breathing was heavy, and they couldn't hold on any longer. Karkat scratched his claws down Eridan's torso, and Eridan shrieked, letting go. Karkat followed only moments later.

He put his hands on either side of Eridan's head and locked his arms so he wouldn't just collapse. They both just stayed there, catching their breath while their bulges retreated. Finally, Karkat dragged himself off, and sat on the floor away from the puddle of their mixed genetic material. Neither had a bucket, and since their planet was gone, it wasn't really necessary. But it would've been a little cleaner if they'd used one.

Eridan propped himself up on his elbows and looked down at the mess. "Hey, Kar-"

"Clean it up yourself," Karkat snapped, grabbing a towel from the dresser and throwing it to him. He pulled his clothes back on while Eridan mopped up the mess. Luckily it hadn't left a stain. He threw the towel in the laundry basket and turned back to Eridan, who was pulling on his own clothes.

He crossed his arms and cleared his throat to get his attention. Eridan looked up, still a bit dazed.

"I'll say it one last time. NO. DUELING. You don't get to do this again unless you stay the fuck out of trouble."

Eridan nodded slowly, a smirk spreading over his face. "So we get to do this again, then?"

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