Chapter: 001

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"Are you sure you're going to be okay that far away from us?" My mom asks me concern dripping off her words and written all over her face. "Yes mamma! "I laugh and hug her and my big brother one last time.

Its not easy growing up without a dad to help and lead you throughout life, I can tell you life has horrible ways of taking away the people you love the most.

"Remember, call us and also don't forget to at least face time me, you know that your brother doesn't always visit me because of his busy schedule. "She says loud enough for him to hear as she tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. I nod my head knowing I might not return early enough to say bye. Tears start to flood my eyes and I look up at the sky trying to drain them away.

After saying bye to my mom and my brother for possibly the last time I get onto the plane and start my journey to America.

You know that feeling you get where it feels as if your whole heart drops to your feet because of bad news, even though you expected it.  Yeah I felt like that a month ago.

That's why I decided that I want to fulfill my bucket list in America .

Luckily I have some family over there and I'm not entirely alone. The only thing I couldn't understand is why my mom doesn't want to talk to them, after all they are family.

And apparently there is a cute guy next door according to my cousin. Not that I care much... I hope.

After arriving at the airport  I get an Uber and give the driver my aunts address and he soon speeds down the road towards her home. My nose stings with the sudden change of air and weather.  Green trees fly past my vision blurring slightly as I zone out thinking about the new life I might start here.

Hopefully I might do my things in time and find new friend and possibly a boyfriend by 6 months. I let out a little laugh at the thought of me having a boyfriend again, they just came and went throughout my life. I guess that's the sad thing about life, no one ever stays.

We soon turn into a big stone path until the Uber can't go any further. As he stops a middle aged man comes out of the gate gesturing to carry my things for me but I argue with him and he leaves me with my back pack.

We walk down a long green path with trees on the sides of it, soon meeting a gigantic white house with almost three floors to it. In south Africa you'd only find houses like these really rare. A group of young teenagers soon come walking around the courner and I notice my cousin first. She instinctively looked up at me from her phone, after realizing who it was she came running towards me.

"Michaela! "
"Jazz! "

We both scream hugging each other and basically squeeze each other to death. "You haven't changed one bit! " I looked her in her golden brown eyes realizing just how much I really missed her. She sees hurt in my eyes and then hugs me with sympathy knowing why I'm sad.

After greeting me she took me upstairs to my room and let me just say that damn this house is beautiful, no house is an understatement, its a mansion! 

"So my mom bought this place and then decided why not adopt a couple of kids maximum 2 more. " I look at her with huge eyes thinking they might be crazy and she looks at me knowing I'm confused. "Remember how after my little sister died... She wanted to adopt knowing that I'd be alone seeing as she can't conceive anymore,  so she bought this place adopted, 2 kids but the one only agreed to stay here with his little sister on a condition of not having a brother, sister connection towards us,  she agreed so now he just stays here. He is like my older brother though, very protective too. And definitely looks like your type! " she says and winks at me after her last sentence.

"So how have things been over there after your big news? "

"Well finding out that you have incurable-" Suddenly I'm interrupted by a boy around my age popping his head around my new bedroom door.

"Jazz! Your mom wants you-" And can I just say...


We stare at each other for what feels like hours,  before tearing our eyes away from each other. "Tell her I'm coming. "He nods his head, his black hair bouncing slightly. As soon as he's gone she stands up and gives me a quick wink and leaves. "Great now I'm all alone. "I start to unpack deciding that after it I'm going to go and then take a long hot shower.  Its much needed after today. 

I get out a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie with my underwear.  When I enter my bathroom that is connected to my room, the heat of the room filled with steam hits my face. I put my things down on the counter and start to undress and climb into the shower.

I can't believe I really left everything behind, and it wasn't even against my own will. My thoughts and realizations finally sink in and I can't help but let out a sob, and soon enough I sink to the floor crying my heart out.

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