Lydia's POV

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It was about 4:20pm when the girls and I were in one of the the labs trying to find a cure for the unknown flu like illness, when the phone suddenly rang. So I picked it up and wandered it.

"CDC this is Lydia, How can I help you?" I cleared my throat.

"Hello Lydia dear, it's Freddie" he sighed.

"Hey Fred, What's up?" I leaned on the wall.

"Not much is really happening, Roger and I just got back from Ziggy's headquarters" Freddie cleared his throat.

"Anything exciting while you were there?" I smiled softly to myself.

"No not really but Roger got a tranquilizer dart in the arm though".

"My god. Is he alright?".

"Yeah he's asleep right now in his room".

"Okay thank you for getting Rog out of there Freddie".

"No problem dear, well I better let you go and I'll update you on Roger".

"Okay that sounds lovely".

"Bye love I'll call you again soon".

"Bye Fred".

I hung up the phone and went back to work/

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