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-1 Month Later-

Looking in the mirror and fixing my blouse, I take a deep breath and puff it out. I pat the side of my gelled down low ponytail, and comb through it with my fingers.

"Alright, Rhi. Wish me luck, I'm heading out." I say out to Rhi, sprawled out on the couch.

"Good luck babe, love you." she blows me a kiss and waves. I wave back and smile, grabbing my purse and heading out. I make my way out and into my car and drive towards Warner Music Canada. When I arrive, I tell the woman at the front desk I'm here for an interview for the summer internship. She tells me to take a seat, and wait until I'm called inside. I wait for a few minutes, and a man in a suit comes out, calling my name.

"Indiana?" he asks, looking down at me. I stand to my feet quickly and shake his hand.

"Yes. Hi, nice to meet you." I say smiling.

"You as well." he smiles back. "I love your outfit." he says, looking down at my pants and blouse.

"Thank you so much." I say with a smile. He leads me into his office, and tells me to take a seat. So far, it seems to be going pretty well. We sit and I immediately open my portfolio and hand him a copy of my resume.

"Oh, thank you." he says taking it from me and examining it for a moment. "Wow, you've got some pretty impressive stuff on here. Salutatorian of your class, 4.35 GPA at University of Toronto." he smiles, looking up at me. I thank him, smiling.

"So what interests you in this internship?" he asks.

"Well, I've always loved all the music that goes through Warner, and since my freshman year in high school I've wanted to work here. I figured an internship would be a good place to start. Also I'm double majoring in business and music, so this is pretty much perfect." I explain.

"It is perfect." he raises his eyebrows. "I'm already really impressed by you, Indiana. I don't wanna seem like I've giving the position away so easily, but I really like you. You'll fit in great here. If you're willing to accept it."

"Really? I'm honored, you have no idea what this means. Of course I'd love to accept the position. I can start as soon as you need me to." I say grinning excitedly.

"Well," he starts off. "This week is gonna be super busy for us. We've got artists coming in almost every day this week for interviews, meetings, all that jazz. We could really use the extra help. Could you be here tomorrow? And I'll show you everything you need to know today." he says.

"That sounds perfect." We both smile, and he shows me around the office, and how to work the fax machine and printer; the break room with the coffee machine that he warns me that I'll be needing. He shows me some of the meeting rooms, although he says I won't necessarily need to be in there unless told to. Seeing everything excites me about hopefully starting my career here.

Returning back to my apartment, Rhi greets me at the front door.

"How did it go? Did you get it?" she asks excitedly. I nod in response, raising my eyebrows. She screams in my face jumping in circles.

"This is only the beginning Indi, I told you, you're gonna do such big things I can't wait to see what the future has in store for you." she says hugging me tightly.

"It was so easy, you won't even believe it. And I start tomorrow." I say excitedly.

"You're joking! We have to celebrate." she says.

"No, Rhi. I have to be up early in the morning." I say finally putting my stuff down.

"We can't just go out to dinner?" she asks fake pouting.

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