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ray shahidi.

lemme not lie to you, the first part is just boring doctor shit, but it gets better :)


TAKING off her gloves that were coated in her patients blood, Ray playfully retched as though she was about to vomit

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TAKING off her gloves that were coated in her patients blood, Ray playfully retched as though she was about to vomit. Ray loved her job, since it had been her dream since she was merely a young girl, but hated the extra baggage that came with it. That being blood, and all the other gory things, as well as giving some of her patients bad news. She always loved to help others, and wanted to make a cure for so many things to do with the brain and the spinal cord. She really wanted to make history, and that she shall do.

Throwing the gloves in the nearby bin, she grabbed the patients clipboard that contained all her information and quietly pushed open the double doors, leaving the surgery room. Ray has been on standby at an emergency surgery with two other colleagues and the surgeon. The surgery was quite intense, as they had to quickly treat a young lady with a brain hemorrhage. After the surgery was over, and the girl was still under anesthetics which meant she was asleep, Ray was politely excused to inform her family of the surgery, while they wheeled her into a hospital room.

Finally making her way into the waiting room, she scanned the area, before looking at the patients detail. The room began to quiet down as they say her approach, hoping and praying it was for them and she was bringing good news.

"Family of Camyla Garacia!" She slightly yelled, as she saw a fairly old lady and a young man who looked around twenty stand up and make their way towards her.

"Hello ma'am, sir," she greeted them with a smile, in which they returned the same, "Please follow me to a more secluded area."

Moving away from the white nosy people that were situated in the waiting room, she found a little corridor that was slightly deserted, but she wasn't sure so she just chose to whisper.

"Your family member Camyla came here by herself when she checked in, so I'm not sure if you all know why she's here or what happened, so allow me to explain. She came in here complaining of a 'headache' that had lasted for a period of two days. Since it lasted longer than usual, we ran a computerised tomography and found that she had internal bleeding. Since this is extremely dangerous, we had to perform an emergency surgery on her. She is currently asleep under anaesthetics, but she'll be awake soon."

"Thank you Jesus!" The lady, who Ray assumed was her mother since she saw the resemblance, dropped to the floor in praise.

Ray felt a wave of sadness hit her as she delivered the next line. "Not to burst your bubble ma'am, but there could also be some complications. Like memory loss, paralysis and things of that calibrar, but I'm praying she makes it. She's a nice young lady, and really deserves the best."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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