Setting Up a Vacation.

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Well probably,before you read this.. You better read The Crazy Love Triangles Of My Classmates

So ya would understand all of this..



Also ya know Mica already...

---Lets gow---

Ikki:-Contacts Tohma-

Tohma:Oh Ikki-san Whats up?

Ikki:You guys wanna meet up?


Ikki:On Saturday...Ile tell them to meet in a coffee bar.

Tohma:Okay,ile meet ya there.

-Call Ended-

--All of them are Teenagers or "Old Enough"--

-Ikki conatacts all of them-

-In the Coffee Bar-

Tohma:Oh Hey Shin!

Shin:Oh Hi There,Tohma-san!

Tohma:There they are!

-Classmates gathers.-

Ikki:Guys,i think we should have a vacation...

Julie:Ah,well thats Very Good! We have a resthouse in the province somewhere...

Tohma:Ah we could go there


Meiko:Well maybe next week?

Everyone:Okay then.

Kento:Uhm.. I cant go Next week... We have a family vacation Going to Japan.

Ikki:Oh Come on... Cancel it...


Ikki:Why not?

Shin:Why dont you runaway from it?

Meiko:Yeah,what he said.

Mica:We need everyone to come

Meiko: What about you Ayriah?

Ayriah:Yeah,i can go...

Julie:Well we need a transportation...

Ikki: I could borrow the van of My Dad!

Tohma: Thats great!

Julie:So lets all meet here next week?

Everyone: Yeah... See you all there!

---HAS SET---

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