My Father In Heaven

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Hushed voices, echo in my head

whispering lies, rewinding the past

listing my flaws, marking them black

weaving tall tales, making me numb

- leaving me in a tangled mess.

People say, watch out for monsters under your bed

Lil' do they realize that they are in your head

They lie in wait for the perfect ambush,

Captured, tied, yea, they tell you to hush.

Flames that burn twice as bright, burn twice as less

this was written by someone wise, not so long ago

O Young Ones!! Preserve your youth while it lasts

Stray not from the right path

For its your life that gets cut short.

Consecrate thyself, Preserve thyself

Correct thyself, Lead thyself

for a temporary scar is better than a permanent loss,

A lost pride is better than eternal damnation.

Turn to the light, its only one

Its for you and me and everyone

Christ loves you, as you are

And nothing will separate you from his love.

He died on the cross

for all our sins

Yes, for you and me and everyone

Accept it, Confess it and make him yours

He's waiting for you with open arms.

He's my friend, my father, my all-in-all

He's compassionate, understanding and kindness overload

Gentle as the breeze, but fierce as fire.

In his wrath, the seas roar and the earth trembles,

But with you, he cradles you in his arms 

and Commands his angels to watch over

Yes, he's my father, my father in heaven...  

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