'...I wanna run to U'

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If U feel alone and U feel like crying
Call me
I won't promise that I'll make U laugh
But U won't be crying alone
Lean on my shoulder
I'll cry with U 'till U're exhausted enough to stop

If U feel U want to run away
Call me
I won't stop U or ask U to stay
But I can run with U
Holding your hands tight
I won't let U go

If U feel like U don't want to hear anything
And U don't want to listen either
Call me
I promise I'll be very quiet just sitting beside U
I'll listen to your silence

But if one day, when U call me
And there's no answer
Will U come fast to see me?
'Coz perhaps, I need U
To fill my emptiness and share my incompleteness
More than U need me to complete U



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