~~Y/N ends up divorcing Thomas~~

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Occurrence: Between chapter 52 and chapter 53. 

Context so you're not confused: Y/N and her gang went to the Brittish Palace to save Lafayette and his tiny army from the King's Dungeon. They got the news via Sam Biseurdecoeur during Y/N's and Thomas' wedding, who was sent by Lafayette after Sam escaped. After they saved Lafayette and escaped the King, they return and get properly married. This chapter is 2 years after these events.


Y/N's P.O.V

"I'm actually going to die," I murmured to the ceiling as I let my hands slowly drape off my face and slam onto the desk. My quill almost rolled off the desk. I slammed my hand on it before it could and picked it up. I looked at it with a tired gaze. The magenta colored fluffy quill had been stained by multiple ink stains when I accidentally dipped the wrong end of the quill into the ink. Thomas gave it to me a year ago as a little birthday present.

I sighed and continued working. 

I was at the cabinet, working my a$$ off as the right-hand woman of Washington. I always had to keep my guard up because I knew people were always chasing me down to achieve my position. So when I thought I had set the bar as high as I could, I'd always end up just grabbing another chair, grab that bar and put it even higher. But I had kept my position so I guess I'm doing something right.

"Y/N," I heard from the other side of my office door. I sighed as I looked at my work. Paperwork, documents, essays, proposals, articles, there never came an end to anything. "Y-yes," I said putting my hand in my hair and clenching my hand. The door opened and Madison appeared. "Sup, Madison," I greeted with a sigh, making it seem I was more annoyed than happy. 

"Are you ever going to greet me formally. We talk once a month. I am not your best friend, Jefferson," Madison sighed as I grinned. "Nah, bro. My hubby is your best friend thereby I am also your best friend," I smiled. "Well, at least I made you smile," He sighed as I chuckled. "Washington needs to see you, it's urgent," 

And I'm going to lose my job. Great. Awesome. I'm actually going to cry, holy sh*t. I'm going to become a tailor and run Hercules' shop again. 

"Yeah, sure," I said and stood up from the wooden chair only to immediately lose balance and almost stumble on the ground. I caught myself and leaned on my desk. Madison frowned. "Did you go home to Thomas last night or did you stay here for two days?" He asked, frowning. I inhaled but didn't give him an answer. He already knew the answer. "Can you talk to Thom-"

"Already did, he's not that happy about it," He said, cocking an eyebrow and folding his arms. "Great, Madison," I praised and slowly walked out of the office. "Overachiever," I mumbled. "I am not a mirror, Jefferson," Madison yelled from my office as I walked away. 

"Sir," I called as I softly knocked on Washington's door. "Come in, Jefferson," I heard from the inside. I opened the door and saw Washington sitting on his desk, looking down. You know, that thing your teacher does when the whole class messed up.

(Washington sitting on his desk in 1790, colored)

(Washington sitting on his desk in 1790, colored)

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