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➤ this is a male and female account. I'd appreciate it if you didn't just talk to the males, but talk to the girls, too! They're here for a reason and also want some love.
➤ this is an lgbt+ friendly account. Not all of my characters will be straight, not all of them will be gay. Respect that.
all of my characters are based on movie genres. Be aware of this when role playing! If you choose a horror character, they will remain with that background.
➤ I do not take character requests. I create my own characters and their own backstories and it's quite hard for me to do that when someone tells me certain things they want.

➤ to begin with, if you message me first, I ask that you start the scene first.
➤ if you do not have a scene in mind, we can definitely work one out!
Please when starting a scene state what character you'd like to speak with and who you're character is.
➤ a starting scene should be 5+ sentences! Do not give me one worded starters/responses!
➤ try to use proper grammar and punctuation and refrain from using text talk unless you're speaking to the ooa.
➤ I highly appreciate detail and creativity, so please try to be as detailed as possible!
➤ if at any point the role play becomes uninteresting or boring, let me know! We can work it out.
➤ if you want to end the role play, please let me know!

➤ I'll say it once more, do not give me one-worded responses.
➤ there is no time limit to respond, however if you won't be online exceeding a week, let me know!
➤ no response without any warning over a week, I will send you a smiley face and ask if you want to keep the role play. If there's still no response, the role play will be deleted.

✍︎ SPAM ✍︎
do not spam me. It won't get you a response, it will just get the role play deleted.
➤ if I haven't responded in over a week, feel free to message me a smiley face! Sometimes I get busy or simply just forget.
➤ if you see activity online but I haven't responded, don't worry! I'll get to you eventually; I just don't always respond right away.

➤ drama is absolutely allowed! Make the role play interesting and fun; entertain me as well as yourself.
➤ while some characters may involve certain triggers, I ask you still talk to me before mentioning any.
➤ some characters may be dark, but please no such usage of rape, cheating or killing off my characters.

➤ I love talking to other ooas, so don't be afraid to message me even if you don't want to start a role play.
➤ just remember, there is one of me. So, yes, sometimes my responses will take longer than expected.
➤ if we are in a role play, just remember that I'll give as much effort as I receive. If I send you a detailed paragraph and you give me minimum of 5 sentences, that's what you'll be getting, too.
➤ double role plays are allowed, however I ask that it's with one male and one female. (depending on your account though we can work this out!)
➤ if you have any questions, comments or concerns feel free to ask away!

do not copy any of my characters.
➤ I work really hard on all of my characters and their backstories, so its frustrating and hurtful when someone steals those ideas.
➤ it's also quite hurtful if someone simply up and steals my entire account ideas.
➤ moral of the story, don't copy. You have a brain of your own, use it!

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