chapter 1

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  I walk down my stair case. Bamboo railing and mahogany steps. Glancing at the digital clock above my door, it reads '4:00 AM'. I groan and slap my face. "Why the hell do I stay up so late?" I question myself aloud. I trot to the kitchen and open my refrigerator.

  Everything looks so good... But if I eat, I'll have to throw it up.
See, I have severe issues with bulimia and anorexia. I was hospitalized when my mother was still alive. She cared lots about my health, but there was nothing she could do.

  Tears start to well in my eyes. Come on now, melancholy. Stop being a frickin' pussy. I shake the years away and sit down with a cheese stick. Peeling off a strand of the hardened calories, I hear a bang on my door. "Who the hell could be here at 4:00 in the fuckin morning?" I grumble silently.

  With the cheese stick hanging out of my mouth, I cautiously head towards the door. On the way, I pick up the axe hanging on my wall. A bit of dried blood crumbled off and dropped to the floor. I'm ready to murder... "Again" I say aloud with a smirk.

  I sigh and look through the window. I didn't see anything, so I creaked open the door a teeny bit. I hid behind the door. Standing there was a boy around my age. "Dude, what the hell do you want at this time in the morning?! Go away!" He stopped the door midway through closing.

  I step back a little. "I'll call the cops." He sighed, his palm resting on the door, holding it open. "Miss melancholy?" I stopped dead in my tracks.

  " do you know my name?"

  "My name is L, Could I come in?" I look him up and down. What struck me the most about him was his.... Wait... His whole physique. He was tall, hunched over, thin, and pale. He had messy black hair and dark circles, and he wore no shoes.

  "Whatever. But If you try anything weird you're screwed. Are you lost?" I slowly opened the door, but then stopped. "I'm not lost, I would just like to conversate." I facepalm. "Well... You'll have to give me a minute. I'll be right back." I slam the door in his face.

  I place the axe back in its place. Surely he won't notice the blood. It looks a little like rust. I sigh and grab a sheet from the closet in the hallway and cover myself with it. I have a knife party crop top on, with a black lacy thong. What am I suppose to do, let him look at my half naked body? Wrapping myself in the sheet, I walk back to the door and open it, cautiously letting him in and locking the door again.

  "Sorry, miss, but why do you have that around yourself?" I blush a little and ignore his question. Holding the sheet up with my left hand, I order him to stand while I do a weapons search. He obeys as I feel his pockets, pants and shirt. He doesn't budge as I check every last bit of him for weapons.

  "You do know that sheet is see through, Right?" I immediately freeze and I feel heat spread through my whole face. I accidentally grabbed the freaking clear tablecloth. How blind AM I?! As I start to panic, the tablecloth drops.  I run down to my living room as fast as I can and cover myself with a couch pillow. Sweat starts to trickle down my neck as I realize I had to burn my remaining clothes because they were doused with blood from my latest victim. I had just ordered some more clothes from hot topic online about 2 days ago.

  I feel tears welling up in my eyes. I angrily stand as I cover myself. "I could give you my shirt..." The boy says. I immediately blush. "What the hell?! I don't even know you! I don't know where your shirt has been!"  With a blank face, he pulls off his white long sleeve shirt and hands it to me. Surprisingly, he had a white tank top on underneath it.

  I roll my eyes and take it harshly. "Look away. I say and turn around before I see his reaction. I slip off my crop top and slide on the shirt. It reached my mid thighs, surprisingly.

  "Thanks..." I mumble awkwardly. "Wait a minute.... What the hell dude?! Who even are you?!" He sits on my couch without permission. "I already told you. My name is L." "What the hell kind of name is that? I ask as I stand in front of him. He swiped his bottom lip with his thumb and looked me in the eyes.

  I stand awkwardly and twitch a little. His eyes seemed to drift toward where I keep my axe. My heart starts to thump in my chest. I take a bite of my cheese stick.
His eyes widened a little. " why, that axe looks like it has blood on it." I start to choke. "Why.. *cough* no! *cough* that's just ru- *cough* rust!" I manage to say.

  "89%.." He mumbles. "What?!" I start to raise my voice. "There's an 89% chance.... No, more like 90% chance you're the axe murderer." My heart starts racing at miles a minute.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2016 ⏰

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