Chapter One: She who lives dead

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There was something particular about this woman.

Almost anyone in this Karahn village could tell you, it was a rather odd characteristic but just important and rare enough that she could easily be picked out.

"Look at her eyes! That demon has golden eyes!" The villagers would usually shout it angrily and go on to curse her name, while other denizens would quietly exclaim the fact as their faces paled. They were all scared and frightened it seemed, it made even me feel slightly worried. 

Though to my relief an elderly woman came to me and told me where I could find the one of my inquiry. Her voice was faltering and her eyes seemed to speak of worry, this did not help my anxiety of meeting the woman.

As informed I went to her old workplace, the Gilded Unicorn. It was a pub as well as a café, with their specialty being potato based meals and pies as several people stated to me. She had worked here as a chef and a baker serving everyone regardless of race or anything, unlike other Karadonians. She was good friends with the owner a Ljósálfar as I was told, a child of the sun. It was no surprise that I found her here, eating a second bowl of potato stew, tears streaming down her soft deep purple cheeks as that glowing Ljósálfar consoled her. 

The world had hit her like an axe.

Her eyes were in fact golden, they glowed like chunks of amber continuously caught in the sunlight. They lit up the darkness around her though that was faint. Her eyes were absolutely breathtaking, it was no wonder anyone could point her out with them. Her eyes were filled with such a radiating warmth, but I could feel the sadness from within her, there was no way not to. 

The Ljósálfar went into the kitchen again as she then caught my gaze. Her eyes studied me back as I continued to stare, her piercing and observant gaze hiding a soul behind them that was not hers. Those were not her eyes and everyone hated her for them.

She wiped her tears off her face and looked away from me hiding her face with her long white hair, she was waiting for another bowl of stew I suppose. I felt rather drawn to her and she was clearly the one I was looking for so I should make contact, I was close enough that I could see her shaking in fear, I should ask her nam-

'Oh wait I'm still staring oh no this is awkward she probably feels weirded out by me if not threatened QUICK I need to act calm and composed or something!'

"U-uh! Hel-hello, my name- my name is- u-uh my name is Wayna Sass, wha-what's yours please?" 

Oh my that was very not composed. 

The Ljósálfar returned with the stew and seemed to puff up his chest aggressively as if he was about to start a conflict with me, but a quiet voice piped up still sounding horse from her crying.

"my name is albina albu, pleasure to meet you mx. sass"

Of Demons and KillersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora