imaginer || imagine

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But he will never be that guy. I've grown tired of constantly having to remind myself of it.
I haven't even gotten kind of close to 'the one'.

That puts me in another note.
Today it was raining softly, and with the rain, brought a meaningless memory with it. The type you chain up and forget.
It was two summers ago. A day with weather just like this one.
I decided to be a real teenager that day.

I decided to grab my earphones and phone, and rush outside. More specifically, an empty driveway that overlooks my bedroom window.
I was going to dance in the rain.

My earphones glued to my ears, I blast TROUBLEMAKER-Now. And with my dark purple joggers on, I start moving to the beat. My hips sway as I mouth the lyrics to a language I don't know.
Even though I repeat this five times, he was always there with me.
Sometimes he was filming me perform, other times he was dancing with me. But he was always with me.

I imagine us so pretty in the rain. Water droplets make their way through out dark, unruly locks. Our skin was slippery to the touch. I remember the softness of his skin perfectly.
But, I imagined a lot of things that day.

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