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Month Eight, Year One


By the sounds of it the assembly had already started, Georgi appeared to be midway through a sentence that boomed through the hall and out of it into the broken-cloudy day they had, the dark-grey clouds leaving large chasms for the pure light of the sun to break through allowing for brief moments of warmth before the clouds would steal that away. At least it showed that they were almost out of the freezing coldness that they have had to deal with for the pass so many months, which felt like lifetimes in themselves.

Although Jacob was annoyingly behind schedule it had been for a good reason, he walked at a brisk pace with Jasmine flanking him, Jasmine carrying the thick binder that was filled with the resource list. It had taken her longer than expected but she had wrapped her head around the Resource-List and understood what Dominic Marcuse had been doing all along thanks to Jacob giving her the copies of the Resource-List from the very start. Not only that but Bianca had done her part as well, covertly enough that nobody even knew that she had been in the Student Council part of the school which allowed for things to run smoothly. Jacob still couldn't quite believe what she showed him when she brought in Dominic's bag, and all the things that it contained. But those would be the evidence that he was going to lay at Dominic's feet.

Marching into Kendrick hall, the two turned some heads as the doors smashed against the walls echoing down the hall, it was completely accidental but for some reason it gave Jacob wings and confidence that he hadn't had moments ago. Even Georgi lost her voice for a moment before resuming meekly as Jacob and Jasmine continued down towards the stage. The hall was packed with a few hundred people barely filling half the seats.

Jacob could see Lucas and the others of the Police Force at key positions around the hall, all wearing motorbike armour for protection. The armour they wore now sported rough red and blue paint across the chests. Lucas looking the imposing figure with his bold head and thick beard, looking much older than he actually was.

Bianca Holland sat surrounded by the new girls she had taken on, a brief glimpse passed recognition but Jacob couldn't afford being linked with her in any way especially at this moment. Mia Wilks sat further down with Laura Stacey, Mia still looked every bit beautiful being comparable to Victoria Eden whilst her friendship with Laura was odd considering that she was a robust girl with a frank attitude and do-it-yourself demeanour. Jacob wondered if Mia realised yet that Laura liked her or whether she just thought they were just friends. Tahlia sat next to Adam Kahn-Marx and James Locke, now that rationing had gone back up she was starting to fill out again and become exactly like Jacob once remembered, for some reason Adam lost all that weight but hadn't put any back on with his golden hair now dulled as a rough beard swept across his face, at least James was looking far healthier as well even though he still needed a cane to walk but it was far better than seeing him starve.

The girls of the sporty-popular group sat right at the front like always, sitting in the middle was Ricky who looked as if she hadn't even showered since Dan's death by the way her hair looked oily and raggedy or the massive purple bags that welled under her eyes. On either side of her was Cora Kahn-Marx and Casey Hodges both who cradled Ricky as if afraid that she was going to break any moment, at least they were returning to their normal as well by how their skin once again started to glow and their hair started to shine. On the other side of Casey sat Allison Greene who like Mia somehow missed out on looking like a husk from the rationing although her skin and hair had faded due to the winter and lack of sunlight.

On the stage all of the Student Council stood. Alesha standing next to Jackson on one side of Georgi whilst Katie stood on the other side next to Dominic. The satchel hanging from his side for some reason brought panic to Jacob even though he was hoping that Dominic had brought it with him, Dominic however waited behind Georgi and watched the two with an intense gaze like he was studying them or trying to figure out what was happening. His eyes were taking note of everything, Jacob and Jasmine's demeanour, what they were carrying and how they walked with purpose.

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