Activity 3 - Schoolwork No. 1 (Part 1)

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Students, bring out your journals and ready your creative minds!

Subject: Art Appreciation 

The classes of Eiche, Carballo, and Azuolas will be given three different art pieces. The students are required to give their opinion or perspective to the given art piece. They are free to tell what they want; be it subjective or objective. 

The classrooms will be updated with their assigned art piece. UPDATED. PLEASE CHECK THE CLASSROOMS.

Points: 50 pts.

Deadline of Submission: June 11, 2019 | 11:59 PM

A B O U T  S C H O O L W O R K S

There will be a pointing system for schoolworks. The pointing system will determine the student's standing in class and overall school ranking.  The release of class standing will be after every schoolwork while overall student ranking will be after every two schoolworks.

Schoolworks will be graded by my friends (crescent & mansae) from Roleplay Republic. 

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