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Birth InformationSpecies:➙ Human

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Birth Information
➙ Human.

➙ Female.

Given Name:
➙ Willow Baird.

Meaning of Name:
➙ Gracefully slender and lithe.

➙ Sucker.

Reason for Nickname(s):
➙ Known for her mischievous acts, once she was caught giving a blow job to a football player behind the bleachers, everyone in her school started calling her sucker.

Star Sign:
➙ Virgo.

Date of Birth:
➙ September 4.

Physical Appearance
➙ Twenty-three.

➙ 5'3

➙ 128 lbs.

Eye Colour:
➙ Brown.

Hair Colour:
➙ Black.

Skin Tone:
➙ Tan.

Skin Type:
➙ Normal.

➙ Brazilian.

Birthmarks or Scars:
➙ u/a.

Predominant Features:
➙ Dainty nose, full lips, high cheekbones.

Family Information
➙ Her mother worked late nights. Both parents tried to do as much as they could, however the family was lucky if they got food on the table during the week.

➙ While her mother worked in the night, her father worked in the morning. He often persuaded people into giving him money/food if it was a bad week.

Step Parent(s):
➙ u/a.

➙ u/a.

➙ Willow was always a difficult child. Ever since she was young, her parents constantly were arguing over money and food, but then ten minutes later they'd always make up.
➙ Her teen years became the worse years. She fought with everyone who ever spoke to her, getting arrested a couple of times and having to be bailed out. Though, it only got worse from there when she began exploring with sex. The minute she was found giving a guy a blow job, rumors popped up everywhere she went.
➙ Willow unfortunately dropped out of school for that very reason and college wasn't necessarily for her. However, she's currently working as a model.

Personal Information:
What makes you think I'm not a good girl?

➙ Dancing.
➙ Modeling.

➙ Stealing.
➙ Sex.

➙ Acts extremely cool and layed back; some - if not all - people are intimidated by her.

➙ Model.

➙ Mischievous, cunning, charming, sarcastic, seductive, witty, layed back, impatient, bossy, stubborn.

➙ Doing things her way.
➙ Taking what isn't hers.
➙ Art.
➙ Going out to bars.

➙ Being told what to do.
➙ Not being trusted.
➙ Being lied to.

Romantic Information
➙ Switch.

Marital Status:
➙ In a role-play.

Sexual Preference:
➙ Pansexual.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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