Chapter 18

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So, the sleepover is fun, but once it's over, everything is tense again. Kronos is playing on my mind. I can't believe anyone could do murder their own flesh and blood – or anyone at all! I don't understand why the old man is so desperate to have his grandchildren under his control. Poseidon says that it's because he lost control of his own children, so he's going for the next-best thing. His grandchildren. I still don't see the point, though.

At first, I don't see why it's necessary to have to stay with Zeus. I think Poseidon's just being paranoid. But then I see the severity of it all. Artemis shows me a scar on her temple that her grandfather gave her. Hephaestus tells me about the time he was tugged into an alley and drugged – only escaping thanks to a hammer he carried in his belt. Ares boasts about the time when he as seven and escaped a gang of thirteen thugs on a motorbike (though I think he was lying about that).

Now I know for certain that Kronos is crazy, and I'm his next target.

School is informed about the situation. The teachers, honestly, aren't really bothered. All they do is stop me, Grover and Annabeth from sitting besides the fence at break and lunch. Well, it's better than nothing, I guess. And I'd rather not have a huge fuss made.

A week passes and Poseidon and I spend every night of it at Zeus's place. We go back to our house in our free time to get clean clothes, tidy up and other stuff like that. My birthday is just five days away and I can't wait. Apparently, the sooner Poseidon definitely has custody of me, the sooner Kronos will 'get the hint' and leave my dad and I alone.

Poseidon sends me up to my room to get some pyjamas for tonight. I still don't like having to spend the nights at Zeus's – I mean, sure, it's nice being around my cousins all the time, but it doesn't feel right. When we decided that I would be living with him permanently, Poseidon promised that we could decorate my room, but with me being ill and Kronos getting in the way of things, we've had to put it off for a while.

I head over to my wardrobe to get come clean clothes, but as I do, something catches my eye. A small scrap of paper sat on my bed. I go over to it curiously, to see if it's important before putting it in the bin. There are just seven words neatly written on it in what looks like an old fashioned fountain pen.

"Do you feel safe with your dad?"

I freeze, staring at the note in horror. The back of my neck prickles, like someone is watching me. A cold breeze from the wide open window sends a shiver down my spine. I feel my hands trembling. The words echo thought my mind: Do you feel safe with your dad?

"Dad," I call as I look around the room, heart hammering against my chest. "Can you come here please? Uh, quick,"

Someone's been in here, that's for certain. There are things out of place. I certainly didn't leave the bedroom window open last time I was here because it's October and things are getting colder. I walk over to the cabinet under the window. There's a scuff mark on the top of it and the light layer of dust that had been settled on it has been disturbed.

Someone was in here recently. Very recent, in fact. I'd say within the last hour for the dust to still be unsettled, swirling in the light breezs.

"What's up?" Poseidon asks, stepping into the room. I turn to him slowly and hold out the note.

"Someone's been in here," I say.

Poseidon takes the note, getting stiffer with every word he read. "C'mon," he says gruffly. His eyes scan the room like I did earlier – glancing at the open window and the cabinet beneath it. His arm wraps around my shoulders tightly. "We're leaving. Now,"

I don't protest. Poseidon leads the way out of the house. He locks it hastily and we get in the car, driving away. I close my eyes, leaning my head back against the headrest. I can't believe it. Someone – Kronos, probably – was in my room and left me a really creepy note. Alright, I think. Well, that's...normal.

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