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Hello, everyone! I had been meaning to write a fanfic for a long time, not necessarily an Inazuma Eleven fic, but I've only ever tried writing about this lovely Universe. To be honest, I had originally planned to write a story using my own OC, but I got fed up with and tired of it, to tell you the truth (probably because of its length). That's why I decided to try with a shorter option: self-insert one-shot. I feel like, lately, there has been a lack of self-inserts. Because of the Ares no Tenbin season, the fandom and the website has been active again, but I really miss those (Whatever character) x reader (y/n). Therefore, I wrote one of my own.

Even though it's a self-insert, I will not use a second person point of view, nor the names (y/n). I will try to mention "your name" as less as possible. However, because Aliea Academy players had code-names I came up with one for your character —Ardency. I hope you like the name, at first it sounds weird, but after you read it more and more and say it aloud a few times, it will click, or I hope so.

Well, that being said, enjoy!

P.S.: I said this was a one-shot, but I ended writing a very very long one. I hope you don't mind. :)


"Sabes que no nos conviene

Que la gente sepa lo que ambos tenemos.

Lo nuestro es ilegal y no te voy a negar

Que yo pago la condena por besarte."

~Shakira, Maluma - Clandestino


"Why the hell did you interfere?! You completely fucking ruined it, Gran!"

I could hear his voice from my own room, door closed. He was pissed off. Again.

"What were you trying to do by joining their team?"

"You said to check out that stupid boy because he was interesting, didn't you?!"

"Are you aware of the recklessness of your actions, Burn?"

I dropped the pen and closed my notebook. I stood up and silently walked towards the door of my room. I pressed myself against the door with my ear against the hard cold metal. Although the voices sounded muffled, I could hear the conversation quite clearly, probably because they were close to my room.

"Don't go acting all mature and shit!" He may as well have been spitting fire. "You can play a match against them using the name of Genesis, but I can't have a little bit of fun? Don't be ridiculous!"

"You're the one being ridiculous, Burn. Especially when you introduced yourself as Nagumo Haruya, what were you thinking?" Although Gran sounded calm, I knew better than to think he wouldn't do anything against us. I knew he was angry even if he didn't show it, we had all seen him act like this before. He would act calm, collected, virtuous even, only to attack when no one expected it.

"That name is mine and I can use it however the hell I want. But the Genesis title is far from yours so you can kiss my ass instead of telling me what to do!" Burn was getting riled up. One would think it was because he was being told off by someone he hated, but I knew him well enough to know that it was majorly because of Gran's calmed attitude.

Clandestine - Burn/Nagumo Haruya (Inazuma Eleven Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now