Chapter SixtyEight

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After the completion of the map, the two agents joined Jemma in the Lab, where she was finishing up testing on the serum Cal had ingested. She was looking back and forth from the data displayed on a screen in front of her to a small disc in beneath a microscope. She appeared frustrated.

"Everything okay?" Asia asked, to announce their presence, her hand subconsciously slipping into Leo's. Protectively. A gesture Jemma clear noticed, biting her lower lip as she eyed their clasped palms.

"No," the scientist sighed in frustrating, slapping the table. "I'll never be done by the time Coulson comes down here. The multitude of drugs in this concoction....I'm surprised he's still breathing. I'm not sure what exactly they were planning, or if this was his personal attempt at suicide, but most humans would not be able to survive the list of things in here."

As if on queue, Coulson entered the room. "Well, that certainly doesn't sound promising," he said in as even a tone as possible.

"Well, unfortunately Sir, it's not," Jemma walked over to their Director, handing him a tablet listing the details she had thus far discovered. "By my count, the liquid included anabolic-androgenic steroids, a liver enzyme blocker, various metabolic enhancers, methamphetamines, what appears to be gorilla testosterone and – surprisingly enough – a drop of peppermint." She shook her head, looking back at the screen. "And that's just what I've managed to uncover so far."

Coulson looked at the list of items, scrolling through the imagery on the tablet he had been handed. "Is this what I think it is?" He asked, without looking up from the data.

"If what you think is that it's a poorly replicated attempt at super strength, then yes," Jemma replied with a nod. "I do believe so."

"Not one attempt since Steve Rogers hasn't been poorly replicated, thankfully," Coulson replied, handing her back the tablet. "Do you think he has any chance of surviving it?" The question, while grim, was rather relevant. Most individuals who attempted to use a strength serum didn't make it out on the positive side of things.

Jemma looked away for a moment, biting her lip, before looking Coulson back in the eyes. "Any normal human would be incapacitated by one vial. Skye's father consumed all three..." The proverbial coffin slammed. And yet, Cal still seemed to be alive. At least, Coulson hadn't said anything to lead them to believe otherwise.

Coulson listened to the information, nodding as he took it all in. "Thank you for the update, Agent Simmons," he said after a moment, then he turned to look at Asia and Leo. "Agents Fitz and Monroe. Is the map complete?"

Asia nodded in affirmation as Leo held out the tablet. "Down to the very last shrubbery," Leo said with a proud nod. "Hope we don't need to use it, but if we do, we will be ready," he looked at Asia, and she squeezed his hand in agreement. They would, be ready.

"Wonderful," Coulson said, looking at the tablet before tucking it at his side. "Well, I'm heading back down to the interrogation cell. I'll be there if anyone needs me. Simmons, please keep me updated on any information you find." He turned on his heel, still studying the tablet he had been handed as he exited the Lab, leaving the three agents alone inside.

Leo made his way over to his desk, sitting down, completely unaware of the awkward rift between the two women behind him. Asia walked slowly to his desk, perching on the edge of it beside him, watching as he typed away at his computer. "What are you working on?" She asked, avoiding the weight of Jemma's gaze on her. There was a long string of code and various diagrams and algorithms were displayed on the screen in front of him. It looked...complicated. She could probably understand it given enough time, at least perhaps the coding, but at just a glance, it meant nothing to her.

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