chapter 1

7 0 0

Michelle pov
We were having A-troupe tryouts when we got done miss. Kate decided that A-troupe was Michelle west thalia Emily hunter eldon James riley tiffany stephanie  giselle and chloe.

West: hey thalia

Thalia: hey west

*they were both starring into each other eyes*

West: congrats on making A-troupe

Thalia: thank you

West: do you wanna grab some juice from squeeze so that we can get to know each other

Thalia: sure I'm really looking forward to it

West: ok

Kate: ok everyone else sorry maybe next time.

Emily: ok so to start our dance we can do this...

Michelle: I am thinking maybe we can put everyone ideas in.

Emily: Michelle how about you go with the routine that I just made and stop talking

Michelle: oh ok *with a hurt look on her face*

Emily: thank you

Michelle's pov
I really want Emily to realize that I'm new here and I just want her to give me a chance. I really dont want to he mean because I will speak my mind and I'm not scared of her so she better keep it straight. Maybe i just keep trying to fit in.

*after dance*

Thalia: oh hey west

West: hey umm... can I ask you something

Thalia: sure

West: will you he my Girl friend

Thalia: I would love to

West let's exchange numbers

Thalia: ok

*they exchange numbers *

West: you should  come by my house so we can watch a movie and they practice dance.

Thalia:ok babe I got to go talk to you later love you.

West: love you to and dont forget 1:00 o'clock P.M.

Thalia: oh I'm sorry me and the girl on the teams going out to celebrate at 1:00 - 3:00

West: ok  4:00 o'clock p.m. then. Don't be late.

Thalia:ok I won't be late I love you

West: I love you to

*thalia leaves*

Michelle: oh, hey thalia

Thalia: hey Michelle,  what are you doing here

Michelle: oh nothing just grabbing some things for the girls pool party

Thalia: where is this party

Michelle my house

Thalia: oh ok

Michelle: yea I'm gonna go cash in so I'll see you at the party. Yea and you can bring people but...  NO BOYS ALLOWED.

Thalia: ok got it I have 5 cousins I can bring any ways

Michelle:ok see you there

Thalia: ok

*Michelle leaves*

*thalia is after her*

Michelle pov
This party is about to start and nobody is here yet. I'm getting worried about this party now. Oh there's the door bell here comes Giselle, riley, thalia ,tiffany, stephanie,  and Emily I didn't know she was going to be here.

*Michelle gets on the table at her house* thank you all for coming tonight I'm so glad y'all could make it and I hope you enjoy this party  there will be a ring toss a cake walk solo off and  also the pool is in the front so go change and jump in everyone!

Chloe: have y'all met the new girl umm.. thalia

Giselle: no but she's a great dancer

Stephanie: yes but she could be better

Chloe/giselle: COME ON! GET REAL!

Chloe: hi my name is chloe and this is Giselle you are a terrific dancer. 

Thalia: hey guys

Giselle: I'm finna go get changed so I can get in the pool.

Chloe:I'm coming to.

Thalia: me to I guess

*they have fun in the pool at 1:00. Thalia get out of the pool at 3:45*

Thalia: wonderful party but I'm about to head out bc I promised my boyfriend I'll come see him.

Michelle: oh ok see you tomorrow then

Thalia: ok

*she leaves*


West: I see you made it on time

Thalia: yes I promised I wouldn't be late

West: right

Thalia: so what movie are we watching ?

West: The dance life

Thalia: oh ok

West: yes

*they watch a movie. The movie is over*

West: so let's go practice the dance

Thalia I dont wanna

West: do you wanna go up to my room

Thalia: yes

West: what you wanna do

Thalia I'm kinda tired.

* so she falls asleep*

*West falls  asleep after her easily*

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