1. Welcome Back!

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"DIPPER MOVE!" Mabel shoves her brother to the ground. She rushed her way up the stairs trying to get the biggest room in the house. Dipper silently groaned at her sister.

"Remember, mom and dad said they're having the biggest room." He sighed, he followed Mabel up the stairs.

Dipper enters a random room, taking a look at it and shrugged, "I guess this will do." Room was kind of big, it had a closet...no personal bathroom. He turned around to face another door that leads to Mabel's room except Mabel ran for the bigger room.

"Mabel! You're room is right across from mine." Dipper chuckled, Mabel silently groaned. She walked back down the hall going to her room.

"Fineee, I'll let mom and dad have it. As their favorite I must keep them happy." Mabel smirked, she entered her room. Examining it.

Dipper frowned, "They never confirmed that you're their favorite." He went back downstairs to grab his boxes so he can start unpacking. Mabel snickered right behind him.

"Okay Dip!"

When they walked out of the house to grab their boxes out of the truck, their parents were currently grabbing a couple of boxes, setting them down on the floor for Dipper and Mabel to grab.

"Hey kids. Here are your boxes." Their Dad, Jeremy, said. He went back into the big truck to grab another last box. "There we go. Last one." He chuckled. His eyes made his way to his wife, Dorothy, who was holding a box.

"Jeremy, you should make lunch while the kids and I go unpack our stuff." She smiled. Jeremy nodded his head as he entered the house.

Dorothy walked in right after him, "Grab your boxes! And start unpacking." She says to the twins.

Mabel grabbed a box of hers, "Come on noodle arms! I'll race ya!" She rushes back into the house, leaving a pouting a FDipper outside.


They Pine family have spent the whole unpacking their belongings. It took a full 7 hours to to do it. Now it was 6 o'clock. Dipper and Mabel were expecting a party happening at the Mystery shack where all their friends and family will be waiting.

Now that it's been three years since the twins defeated Bill, everything had been fine. Except when they visit gravity falls every summer there'll be strange stuff still going on. But now that they are living there then it's gonna be the best! They're going to be with their friends all the time!

As the family were in the car to the mystery shack, Dipper and Mabel started to bring up old memories up from the past when they visited.

"Oh geez...Don't bring that up." Dipper groaned, he slapped his hand against his face, cringing at his last relationship...with Pacifica.

You see, when they visited Gravity Falls the second time. Dipper and Pacifica started to hang out way more. It's weird because they never hung out before until that summer. They started dating for a whole month until some stuff happened. Dipper never explained their breakup to Mabel.

After five minutes of driving through the forest, they finally made it to the Mystery Shack. There were a dozen of tables filled with people, mainly people that they know in the town. There was a DJ on the front porch near the entrance of the Mystery shack. A banner in the front saying "Welcome To Your New Home!" From inside the car they see their Uncles standing with a can in their hands, laughing with each other.

Mabel and Dipper quickly got out of the car, "Hey guys!" Mabel shouted out to them. Dipper smiled their way.

They all turned their direction to the twins.

"Mabel! Dipper!"


"You guys are back!"

"We missed you!"

"Kids!" Stan And Ford ran past a couple of people, shoving Robbie aside. "Oh we're so glad you're back!" Stanley says, the two brothers came to the twins bringing them into a big hug.

"Yea...we're glad to be back..." Dipper looked at his sister with a smile then back at their uncles.

Dipper and Mabel ran to the crowd of people who just formed around heir uncles.

"Hey everybody...it's good to be back." Dipper awkwardly says, he rubbed the back of his neck as he waved at the others. In the crowd he saw Wendy, Robbie, Soos, Melody, Candy, Grenda, Gideon and...Pacifica.

Mabel ran to her best friends, hugging them tightly, "Omg! I missed you guys soo much!" She squeaked out. Grenda laughed, wrapping her arms around Candy and Mabel, holding them up tightly.

"We missed you too Mabel!" She says.

"Lets get the party started!"


The party lasted until 10, that was when everyone started to go home except for the og gang.

Candy, Grenda, Mabel, Dipper.

"Thanks for helping me to clean up the place." Soos says, he passed a garbage bag to his girlfriend Melody. "It would've taken like forever with just Melody and I."

Candy pushes up her glasses, "No problem!"

Mabel and Dipper we're currently getting the leftover food that was left from the party. After putting about a dozens of food in a container. They somehow were able to fit the whole thing in the fridge.

After a whole hour of cleaning it was finally to go home and sleep. Another day awaits for them tomorrow...and after that day there will be school.


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