2. First Day

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In a home where a teenage girl lays wide awake on her bed, deciding whether or not if she should get up to go to her new job.

Well if I get up and go to my job then I'll get money...money will get me the things I want soooo...yea I guess I should get up.

Y/N sat up from her bed, her messy hair everywhere in the place. It looked like as if a bird made its nest in there. She grabbed her brush which was just laying in her bed, used it to brush her hair out.

"Alrighty then...lets change into something comfortable." She got up from her bed, heading to her closet to pick out and outfit.

"This one is...okayyy." Y/N picked out black leggings and a (F/C) T-Shirt. It was quite warm today despite that fact that it's November.

Y/N checked the time on her phone, seeing that she has thirty minutes until leaving. So she decides to go downstairs to grab a small breakfast to go.

She saw her mom sitting in the kitchen table, eating eggs and toast as for her dad he was sitting in the living room watching TV.

"Good morning beautiful peoples!" Y/N walked her way to the top cabinet to grab herself a granola bar. "I'll be heading out in a few. I'm so pumped for this first day!" Her eyes sparkled in excitement. Her mom looked at her with her black orbs.

"You'll be back at four every weekends?" Her mom asked her. Y/N nodded her head.

"Yep! During school days I'll be working at 3 to six! And I have days off on Friday and Saturday." She explained to her mom. Her mom cleared her throat, standing up to place her plate in the sink.

"All right...be safe." She waved at Y/N before going back upstairs.

Y/N walked past her dad through the living room, giving him a small wave, saying goodbye.

"Okayy, the Mystery Shack is a ten minute bike ride from my home." She went through the garage to grab her white bike.

"lets ride."


As Y/N rode her bike through the forest, she was able to see the Mystery Shack from twenty feet ahead.

"Wow! It looks so...cute." She giggled, "It's so small but we'll have to go closer to see." She got off of her bike, walking her way up there as she guides her back.

After a bout a minute, she made it. She saw a couple of cars parked and a bus meaning that there were tourists.

She entered the shop, seeing Soos. The boss who she just talked to last walk about the job opening. She walked to the cashier place to be greeted by a women with such beautiful long wavy light brown hair.

Her hair is so perfect...

Y/N stared at her in awe until the lady noticed Y/N there.

"Oh! You must be Y/N? Right?" She says with such a delicate soft voice. Y/N nodded her head a bit shyly. "Oh well nice to meet you Y/N! I'm Melody. I work as the cashier." She grabs a piece of paper from her pocket, scanning it quickly, "And here it says that you'll be working by...just putting stuff on the shelves. Pretty easy. And when we need extra help then you'll be a tour guide. But right now we're kind of good with two."

Y/N looked around the shop, seeing that there were a couple of things missing on the shelves, "So where will the boxes be?" She asked Melody.

"They'll be somewhere in the living room." Y/N's eyes widened.

"Wait this place is like a home too?" She asked her.

Melody nodded her head, "Yep. My boyfriend and I live here together." She explained, "This place is basically like a huge family...you'll soo be apart of." She looked at Y/N with a smile, Y/N returned the smile before leaving the area to go search for the living room.

When she entered the living room she saw a girl, she was about the same height as Y/N. The girl seemed to be sitting upside down on the sofa as she watched the TV. But as soon as she noticed Y/N at the doorway she flipped herself off from the sofa, landing her feet perfectly on the carpeted floor.

"Ah! You must be the new employee! Welcome!" She had her arms spread out as she greeted Y/N.

Y/N raised her arm up to slowly wave at the girl, "Uh...hi I'm Y/N." A crooked smile formed on her lips.

The stranger walked up to Y/N, grabbing both of her ands into her own, "I'm Mabel! We're gonna have a blast working here together!" She excitedly says. Y/N stared at her in surprise.

"You work here too? I thought you lived here since you were just watching TV." Y/N chuckled. Mabel shook her head.

"Nah...But I did use to live here though!" Mabel says, "Yea but...I was just on break." She let's go of Y/N's hands.

"Oh well it was nice meeting you Mabel." Y/N smiled, "Ehh...do you know where the boxes of the souvenirs are?" Mabel pointed her finger to the corner of the living room. There were multiple boxes.



Y/N was on her knees, organizing the lower part of the shelves. It was small snow globes with some weird creature in it...and it's not even Christmas!

"Okay I think that's the last of them snow-globes." She turned to the right to see about six more boxes left, "And other stuff to stack." Y/N frowned, "But hey it's worth it since I get all the m-"

As Y/N stood up with the empty box in her hands, a tall figure bumped into her but luckily they didn't lay any skin on her due to them box being in the middle but it did send her against the shelves of souvenirs.

"aAGHH! MABEL!" A voice yelled out.

Y/N was on the floor,as the snow globes were everywhere on the floor and some shelves were broken due to the impact. The box was on her lap. She looked up to see a boy staring down at her in shock.

"Oh god! I'm so sorry! I- I- uh- mABEL!" The boy quickly turned around to face Mabel who was laughing, tears streaming down her face.

"Geez Dip! Clutz much?" She wiped a year away from her face.

Dipper blushed, feeling embarrassed by...everything that's happening right now.

"Ah geez...I'm sorry. Let me help you." Dipper grabbed Y/N by her hand, pulling her up. "Eh...do you work here?" He asked her.

"Um, yea. First day." She awkwardly says. Dipper's eyes widened.

"Aw! I made it horrible...didn't I?" He slapped his palm of his hand against his forehead. Y/N shook her head.

"No it's fine...just help me fix this." She points at the broken shelves and the snow-globes that we're down on the floor.


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