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Welcome to my life. Let me start by introducing myself.

My name is Izabelle Robertson. I am 18 years old. My life is not normal like everyones. I never got to do things and have fun like a normal human being or in my case, I dont even spend time with my family, well basically few people who are still alive in my family. I dont want to reveal everything to you so soon, you will have to wait for it.

It's half past twelve right now. I am nervous. It has been four years since I have talked to my siblings who are my cousins, my only family. They havent heard from me for four years. Today is the day, I am finally going to see them after four years. You dont know how I am feeling inside. I am so excited to see them but at the same time I am scared that they will hate me, and you will soon find out why they would hate me. I have missed them so much, but I knew it was for the best that I didnt see them. I wanted to protect them but to be honest, I didnt even know how to protect myself at the age of fourteen. Things werent the same for me after that day, my whole life altered for me at the very exact second. I lost everything. My life was finished. It took me three years to finally come to terms with myself and realise that nothing is going to change back to my normal life. I became stronger, I try to keep myself together. I need to stay strong for my cousins, who are my everything. I am an only child; I grew up with my cousins since I am only four months older than them. Today is their eighteenth birthday, they are twins. They both are the children of my fathers second younger brother. Their names are Madelaine and Reece Robertson. Madelaine and I were always considered as twins because of our appearances, the spontaneous personality we have well I had. Reece was Madelaines twin, but he always acted like I was their twin also. Even though, I am four months older than him, he always protected me, he treated Maddy and me equally.

Ree and Maddy are having a birthday bash after their soccer match. Ree plays for his schools soccer team, he is the defender and Maddy is a cheerleader. I am planning on going to their match and surprise them. Afterwards, I will spend some time with them, get to know them, have fun, try and get my normal life back, catch up with lives – this can only happen if they are not furious with me because its literally like I am coming back from the dead to meet them.

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