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Bold: Speaking Italian ————

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Bold: Speaking Italian

Bellamy Blake was about to throw an axe into the heart of a boar when a twig snapped. The whole hunting group's attention was brought to the little girl standing by the tree where Bellamy had thrown his axe. The girl had a terrified look on her face, having been so close to where Bellamy had thrown the axe.

The boar squealed and ran off, alerted of the group's presence. Most of the boys in the group shouted and ran after it, eager to follow through with their kill.

"Who the hell are you?" Bellamy asked the little girl, pissed off that she had ruined his chances of getting food for the camp.

"Charlotte." Was all she said.

Annie was angered as well. Why the hell would a little girl be roaming outside of the camp all by herself? And why would she think it smart to spook a group of hunters with weapons? The naive girl would get herself killed if she didn't start using her head down on the ground.

"I almost killed you. Why aren't you back at camp?" Bellamy interrogated the young girl, her eyes still holding the same fear as before.

Annie didn't like the feeling that she got in her gut when studying the little girl. There was something eerie about her, and Annie didn't trust her one bit. But Annie ignored her gut for the time being, she was a little girl after all, what was the worst that could happen? It wasn't like she was capable of killing a man.

"Well, what with that guy who was dying, I just... I couldn't listen anymore." Charlotte said, successfully lowering Annie's temper even further.

"He's not dying." Annie snapped sharply, and Charlotte took a step away from her, seemingly intimidated by the Italian girl's sharpness.

"There's Grounders out here. It's too dangerous for a little girl." A boy named Atom stayed the obvious. Annie hadn't talked to the boy more than once, but he seemed like a good person, and Octavia had become somewhat close to him.

Charlotte then gave Atom the meanest look a girl her age could muster and said, "I'm not little."

Bellamy's lips upturned slightly, the Blake boys was amused with her attitude. "Okay then..." He started and pulled an extra knife from his belt, handing it to the girl who eyed it curiously, taking it from his hand, "But you can't hunt without a weapon. Ever killed something before?"

Charlotte shook her head no, Bellamy continued, "Who knows? Maybe you're good at it."

Annie's attention snapped into the distance, deep in the trees when she heard what sounded like a horn being blown. Annie knew it wasn't in the direction of the camp, so it alarmed her. A Grounder had blown the horn, and for whatever reason, it most likely meant danger.

She became even more scared when she took notice of the yellow colored dog creeping quickly towards them. The group didn't know what it was, but Annie had a feeling it wasn't anything good and yelled out, "Run!"

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