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April 24th-25th, 1986


        The families had met again, but this time it was an all-adult outing while the kids stayed at the house. It was the same house they all met for the New Year celebration; the same one that caught on fire. Luckily there wasn’t much damage to the house and it was repaired.

        The little kids were running around the house and throughout the nearby woods, playing games such as hide and seek. Meanwhile, the older ones hung around the house. The sun had disappeared a while ago. Soon enough, hours went by and it was around one o’clock in the morning, and the children’s parents haven’t arrived to the house yet.

        The hyperactive children had settled down and were sleeping in the livingroom. Still, the teenagers were gathered in the same place, conversing.

        Our families put us together because something’s supposed to happen, Esfir theorized in her mind, tucking a strand of her dark brown hair behind her ear. I wonder if there’s anyone who knows about this farce, besides the people behind it. It’d make sense to put a spy here to file reports about us individually. Wait… that means it could be anyone, and that anyone has to be particularly observant. Crap. I screwed up when hinting to that ice jerk.

        “ESFIR!” Victoria screamed, shaking the other girl she was yelling at violently. For a moment, the attention of the room was place on the two. Esfir jerked a bit, startled that she let herself zone out so far into her thoughts.

        “There’s no need to direct the scrutiny of others so precariously towards us,” Esfir said in a “mind-you-own-business” tone, pointedly ignoring the others. With that, the room returned to its usual buzz of varying conversations. However, a person’s gaze lingered on her for a couple of seconds, observing.

        Esfir’s back stiffened as a little chills went up her spine; she was a bit alarmed that her theory could be true. If it were, then she shouldn’t look in that direction. No, it was best if she let it go and acted like a typical teenager.

        “You’re not your usual self, Esfir. Depressed much?” Zenon called from the room stocked with snacks, stuffing his face with chocolate covered crackers. He hadn’t let go of that time when Esfir was making fun of him.

        “Make the world a better place and dig a hole for yourself.” Victoria snapped back. Immediately, she noticed the crackers in his hand. “While you’re at it, get me a handful of those.”

        “Psh, I’d rather get eaten by a pack of wolves before I do anything for you,” he replied, scoffing.

        “Perhaps I’ll do something for you if Mr. Freeze over here doesn’t want to,” a new voice offered, belonging to a handsome boy with light brown amber eyes and blond hair. He was standing near Victoria, his hand shoved in his pockets. I just want to talk to Esfir… these people, I swear, Victoria thought. Say… this guy is cute… I think I remember seeing him before.

        “Uh, sure, I guess. Haven’t I seen you before?” The guy sent her a mesmerizing grin, his eyes twinkling with playfulness. That simple gesture would make any girl’s heart race. Victoria felt something in her chest move as her breathing shortened a bit. This is weird, what is this feeling?

        Zenon rolled his frosty eyes, “You forget everything, don’t you.” No one really listened to him since the other guy stole the spotlight. Esfir narrowed her eyes slightly as the boy’s eyes darted to her in a fraction of a second.  

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 21, 2014 ⏰

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