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Narrators P.O.V

Not a long time ago.... No thats a horrible way to start a story. At the year, no thats horrible too. Oh I know!

Once upon a time, A man and a woman fell in love. The woman got pregnant and had a child, she took one look and loved her. The man unfortunately wanted a boy. But decided to pay for child support only because she was a decent looking girl. The mother Had beautiful golden locks of hair and green eyes, the father had brown hair and blue eyes. The child had green eyes and brown hair ( girl in the photo. ) But the Mom hid a very important secret as well as the dad. The mom was a fallen angle sent from heaven to spy on the demons. The father was a holy knight.

The father grown to love his daughter, even though he didn't expect it. Once the demons King heard about the fallen spy, and the Heart melted knight he sent one of his sons his first son to be exact. The name of his son was Meliodas. He killed the parents disguised as cook for the little girl birthday. As the parents was celebrating her becoming 2, The cook (Meliodas) asked them to taste the food. While they were meliodas stabbed them in the back literally. The little girl saw this, thus she took her present from her parents and kept on running. Once she got far away she opened the present revealing a golden locket with a picture of her and her parents she wailed over it. Then she saw a weird shadow which held his hand out, and suddenly she saw many suns rise and manny moons fall Then it hit her that she was going trough time.Only remembering who she was, and her name which was L she met many people one of them were named sinon. she was a professional thief Teaching her how to steal, and Kaede He taught her how to use her holy magic this allows her to use the elements. Meaning she could use fire, water, nature, and air meaning anyone who uses that against her is useless. Her mother left her a very special power. Her mother Left her : Dream alter meaning she could alter others dreams.

Witch leads us to now L is running away from a butcher. She Is now 18 and Its her birthday, She stole a pork chop the butcher noticed. She usually did this every birthday, But some kid pointed it out. She ran Into a dark alley and she bumped into a minty haired girl with a very revealing outfit.

L's P.O.V

Ow my head hurts as we both fall to the ground. Suddenly I see a knife come out the other girls stomach, And I feel a sharp pain come out of mine as well we both fall to the ground. She grabs my hand and looks at me and I ask " why are you holding my hand, we are dying its to late to become friends now!" she turned her head and replied " Its better to die with someone than alone" I felt tears go down my face I haven't cried in a long time. I feel her hand move to my stomach shes healing me? I move her hand and yell with tears " Please! Save yourself first, you deserve to be here more than I do!" I just met this girl why in the world do I care for her? she says " I cant heal myself , so I want to help someone so I can have a purpose" she says holding her hand up trying to heal me I just grab it and replied with " then we will die together" I say holding my hand and she just smiles at me and I Look at my locket one last time and say " I will finally see you guys again mom and dad". I felt the girls hand fall "shes dead" I whispered I quickly grabbed her hand. I felt dissy very dissy at this point I couldn't feel, I couldn't feel my stomach anymore and it was tiring staying awake. So I closed my eyes.

"Hello L" said A voice " W-Who are you?" I yelled 'Oh my god is this the after life? I thought it would be paradise' "I can hear your thoughts" the voice said in a calm voice " I have a task for you, you will take over princess elizabeths body."

"I don't know anyone named elizabeth" I scoffed ' Me? Meet a princess? no way!' "But you know who died."
"Wait, wait ,wait you mean the girl who died was a princess!" but she's a great person from what I heard. "she will be with you every step of the way." 'wait what?' before I can open my mouth I opened my eyes. Im in a bed a nice bed at that I give it five stars I see a mirror across from me, I look over and see my dead body next to me. I take my locket really quick before I heard someone open the door. "The king" I muttered under my breath. As he walked in and saw me breathing he looked relieved. Soon a doctor came in as he explained my "symptoms." I decided to add a new one. Memory loss it'll make this much easier, Time to put on a show "The stab was very severe" said the doctor "T-thats cool and all but who are both of you?" I interrupted " It seems memory loss is also a symptom" The doctor continued

"your voice gotten lower than usual" Thats rude Im talking In a regular girl voice, I guess this girl did have a high voice...
" Do you remember this girl, or anything?" I look at my dead body and say "Yeah this girl is my best friend her name is L" I say still looking at my dead body with disbelief. "Well we will have a great funeral for this girl."

After I ate great food and I mean GREAT food, I decide to go out and look around. I saw the butcher in his shop looking kind of sorrowful. He looks at me and a "Hi princess" escapes his mouth. "Hello" I said mimicking the girls voice. " Is everything ok?" I continued " Oh you've noticed, well there is this girl who usually steals meat from me on this exact day." He's talking about me. " Ive noticed she only does it once a year so, I concluded it was on her birthday" My hear felt a sharp pain when he said that " Today she was supposed to turn 18 so I wanted to give her a gift, but she ran away when I finally caught up to her..." I don't wanna hear the rest "she was dead on the floor lifeless next to you, I thought I just lost my two favorite people, thought of you two like daughters" Im one of his favorites? He thought of me like a daughter? "Im relived your ok, But she just needed a little kindness thats all" I hug him and tell him that "she would be happy to know you cared"

I continued to walk around, soon I was out of the kingdom. I saw a Tavern This wasn't here when I got to this kingdom. Curious I entered " Elizabeth!!!" A pig yelled and trotted to me " A TALKING PIG?!?!?" I yelled " your voice sounds lower" The pig stated " AND WACTHA MEAN A TALKING PIG?" The thing Yelled, I screamed and ran as fast as I could. A young boy on a pillow flew after me, and a boy with whiteish blue hair was basically walking as fast as I was running. " Are you ok?" said the child. At this point I was freaked out I used my air element to blast me off somewhere. I didn't know where I was but as long as I was far away from THAT then Im good. I looked around as soon as I turned around I saw seven figures.
I saw a lifeless pink haired boy (gowther)
A woman with revealing clothing ( Merlin) A over powered weirdo ( escanor )
That weird child ( King )
The fast crackhead ( ban )
A normal looking girl (Diane in human form)
And a blonde who's smiling at me ( meliodas )

He looked like the guy who killed my parents, but that was a long time ago so probably not. I was getting ready to use my air element until I saw the woman in revealing clothes shout "Perfect cube!" I saw a purple square surround me, I banged on the walls of it. Until i saw the woman whisper something and I closed my eyes and fell to sleep

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