Chapter 6

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Wanted to warn that someone almost drowns in this chapter.

Author's Notes:
Italicized quotes = spoken English
Regular quotes = spoken Japanese
Italicized words = thoughts and non-verbal communication
Bold words = Emphasized words

Sugoi - Great or Amazing
Nani? - What?
Baka - Idiot
Domo - Thank you (casual)


Three weeks came and went since she allowed Shinsuke back into her life; the night that their embryonic friendship took on a subtle metamorphosis into what Asuka marked as something just a little bit more.

Despite those three weeks passing with the speed of a blinking eye – time flew when one was among enjoyable company – Asuka felt that they came to know each other as though those weeks had been considerably longer.

Her bouts of sadness still came and went. There were days she still resorted to her noh mask out of instinct. But with Shinsuke around, her rain cloud didn't bother quite as intensely or for as long. He was her rock in this windy storm she was enduring.

She was scarcely seen without the man when she was outside the ring. They traveled together, ate together, roomed together (though they kept amongst themselves that they shared rooms), and even introduced each other better to their respective circle of friends.

Most of Shinsuke's friends accepted her without question. The majority of hers did as well, but there were a few that appeared as though they couldn't help themselves in questioning the type of relationship they were carrying on.

One day several of the Smackdown Live women were chatting in the hall. Some just talking about general topics, others going over promos or matches together. Shinsuke was at Asuka's side while she discussed her match with Carmella, acting as a translator between them.

Suddenly Carmella asked a question that caught them both off guard.

"Are you two together or something?"

Most if not all other women also chose that moment to stop what they were doing and stare at them.

Asuka felt like a deer caught in the beam of highlights. Shinsuke coughed in the way she had learned that he was unconsciously indicating that he was feeling uncomfortable.

Frozen as she was, she managed to turn her head to look at him. He mirrored her action.

To one another they both silently said:

What should we do?

It was Naomi that rescued both of them. "Does it really matter if they are together or not?"

Carmella blinked owlishly at the other woman. For the first time, Asuka saw the current SD Women's Champion struck speechless.

"Yeah, they can be whatever they want to be. It's none of our business," Charlotte seconded. Becky nodded vehemently in agreement with her best friend.

Others seemed to find what Naomi and Charlotte said acceptable and the chatter from before started back up again.

Asuka let out an imperceptible sigh of relief and Shinsuke relaxed his stiff posture beside her.

She was immediately thankful for the women that made up her inner circle and made sure to express her feelings of gratitude to each of them.

Then, on their time off, Sin Cara (who Asuka quickly learned was currently one of Shinsuke's closest friends in the WWE) invited both Shinsuke and her to a get together he was holding among co-workers.

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