Just Say No To This (Chapter 3)

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Alex POV 

I ran after Eliza while she was giggling. She thought this was all a game. When I got in earshot I screamed how could you in the face. (Hehe) She had a smirk on her face and turned and ran again. I knew I wasn't fit but, geez, she should do track or something. She ran up to my dorm and pounded on the door. Why was she pounding on my door? I stopped for a minute to catch my breath. She was still ten feet away from me so I slowly walked towards her. I started hearing crying near the door and realized it sounded kind of like John. Wait it's was John! I started sprinting towards her and the door opened. He had tear stains all over his face and was bright red. He took one look at Eliza and slammed the door shut. I ran up to Eliza finally reaching her. I grabbed her shoulders and shook her a little yelling, "Why!?" She did that annoying giggle again. I just started pounding on John's dorm door, technically mine too, and yelled into the door, "John, it's Alex! Can we please talk?!" He opened the door a tiny bit and yanked me in, locking it right after. He turned and I looked at him. He was broken and it pained me to see him like this. I tackled him into a hug before he could process what was going on. I didn't realize I had knocked him on the floor with me on top of him. Our faces were inches apart with a tiny gap. Next thing I know before I can stop myself I press his lips into mine. I closed my eyes and his eyes went wide at first and then closed them. 


"John, your phone is ringing," I told him while putting my watch back on. (Hehe) "Oh, thanks. It's Laf." I nodded while he answered the phone. I started eavesdropping and pretended to busy myself. He nodded and said after a long pause, "Yeah, ok see you there." 

"Everything ok?" I questioned.

"Yeah, we kind of left on the wrong note this morning.." He said awkwardly.

"C' mon! Can't we do that later? I have an essay due in four months!"

He laughed at me and I fake pouted crossing my arms. "You know, you can be adorable if you want to. And four months! Alex, I've only known you for two days, not even! Take a break!" 

Layfayette POV

It had been a while since I had last seen Alex, John, or Eliza. None of us knew where they went and they sometimes answered their phones. John always answered his phone unless he was in class. Eliza never answered her phone but was always on it. Alex, it had been a while since I saw him so I wouldn't know. The rest of the group searched but after an hour we all got tired. It was late and we needed to sleep. I was headed to my dorm hoping that they were there. When I unlocked the door I heard scrambling from inside and opened the door. I heard Alex and John giggle from behind a door like an eight-year-old girl. Oh, mon Dieu...(just use google translate unless u know French. Then good for u, u can do stuff) I walked over to the source of the giggling and heard it more until it got louder, and louder until they were shrieking. "Do I have eight-year-old roommates now?" I questioned out loud which made them peek outside the door acting like toddlers. I jumped out at them playing their game and there were John and Alex cracking up on the ground together. I left them so I could go to bed because I was so tired I felt like I was being a little delusional at the moment so I collapsed on my bed and fell right asleep.

John POV

Lafayette never saw the sign we had put on his forehead stating, "Hercules Mulligan is my waifu." I went back into my room because it was very late and all of us were acting wacky probably. I elevated myself onto the bed and lay down. I looked up at my ceiling thinking about what Alex and I could be. Who was I kidding it was probably an accident. We were all acting weird anyway what was I thinking. I fell asleep thinking about what I'm going to have for breakfast tomorrow.

*Another time skip because I don't know what to write anymore*

I woke up to Layfayette screaming in French and Alex screaming in Fench right back at him. 

"Où sont toutes les baugettes!" Lafayette yelled.

"Je ne sais pas que je n'en mange pas autant que toi!" Alex yelled right back.

"Wow, wow, wow let's calm down and speak English" I declared trying to be a peacemaker. The door opened loudly right after I said that and we all snapped our heads trying to see who it was. It was Thomas Jefferson. A person who no one wanted to see. Alex walked up to the door trying to close it saying, "Nope, no visitors today." As the door was about to close he put his foot in between the door and the door frame. "Oh, this is more than just a visit." He said with a sly smile. This was not good.

Sorry to the few ppl reading this it took so long for me to write this. I have no clue what Im writing so if you have suggestions I will happily listen because I have no outline whatsoever. Thats all.

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