• How To Play? •

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To play, you need to read the following storyline before the choices. Based on the storyline, you get to choose what happens next. For example:

Which one do you choose?
a) Hide under the bed - Go to 2
b) Hide in the closet - Go to 3

If you choose hide in the closet, you go to part 3 or go to the part titled "3 - Hide in the closet"

To choose parts, you must exit reading and go to the story info to choose the parts.

You must NOT read this straight through all the chapters/parts or it will not make sense. This is a must, you need to skip to the part based on your choice.

After you're done, comment if you survived or not, and tell me which one was the trickiest!

Can You Escape Serial Killers? // Interactive StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora