Part 1 - The Beginning of the End

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"We need to get a divorce. I'm sorry Bob, but it's just not working out. I'm in love with Pat, not you. This has been a long time coming. I'm sorry."

Bob stood in their kitchen and listened, looking around. They had built the kitchen together, as a promise. In the same way that the granite would stay together, so would they. False promises. A rose he had bought for her was wilting on the counter.

"But Wendy, I thought we were ok, I thought we were fixing things... What brought this on?"

"Bob, please. Don't make this harder than it already is. I'm leaving. I'm sorry."

"Is it the business? I know work has been running dry these past few weeks but I found us a job, not far from here. Once we finish this job I'm sure I can find another, but do you really have to leave?"

Wendy had her hand on the door, a suitcase beside her. "I'm sorry Bob, but we just aren't right for each other. Goodbye."
She left and lugged her bags to the van outside the door. She didn't look back.
Bob broke down. He could see her out side the window, having an animated conversation with Pat, her boyfriend. He knelt on one knee. Bob looked away. He couldn't see that. Not so soon. He was sure she would say yes anyway. He didn't want reality to set in so soon.
But he still couldn't escape it. Wendy had left her keys in the tray. She wasn't coming back.
He couldn't stay in the house any longer. He grabbed his wallet and went to the door, but stopped at the mirror. His face was wet with tears. His hair was messy and unkempt. Not in the good way. His clothes  were dirty, dust spattered all over them. He was the exact opposite of Pat, with his neat combed hair, ironed postie uniform and shiny shoes. No wonder Wendy chose Pat over him.
He wiped his face and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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