The Animalistic Center

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Animalistic Center, Happy Harbor
March 21, 2010

We stopped in front of a white building in Happy Harbor. The sign said "Animalistic Center", so I knew we were here. Simon opened the car door for me and I hopped out. Then, he drove away. He's probably off to pick up another person, I thought.

I walked into the building. There was a receptionist's desk near the door. A dark-skinned woman sat at the desk. She didn't have a nametag, so I don't know her name. She looked at me, then at a clipboard. "Are you Richelle Jennifer Grayson?" The woman asked.

"Yes, but please, call me Dixie. Everyone does," I replied. The woman walked around the desk and past me. "Follow me, Richelle," she said, walking down a hallway. I scowled, but followed nonetheless.

We walked silently until we reached a door that read "Injection Room." The woman opened the door, pushed me inside, and slammed it shut. I don't like her.

The Injection Room looks like a doctor's office. There is a table with needles full of different colored serums resting on it. A man stands over them. There is a chair in the middle of the room.

"Hello, Richelle," the man says, "I am Dr. Desmond. Please have a seat." I walked over to the chair and sat down. Instantly, steel restraints snapped over my wrists and ankles.


Dixie pulled at the restraints, trying to get out of the chair. Dr. Desmond chuckled. "Such liveliness. I know just the serum for you," he said. He picked up a syringe with a red and black liquid in it.

Dr. Desmond walked over to Dixie and grabbed her right arm. He rested the point of the needle against her forearm. "Now, this will hurt a lot," he said, and jabbed the needle into her skin.

Dixie screamed. She screamed until she was out of breath. Dr. Desmond pulled the needle out of her skin. No blood was drawn. There was only a tiny hole, and red and black skin around it. The restraints went back into the chair.

A door opened and Dr. Desmond led Dixie through it. "Goodbye, little bird," he said, and the door closed, leaving nothing but a wall. Dixie walked around the room. There was a white bed, a white nightstand, and white drawers. A pair of folded white pajamas sat on the bed. Zitka was on the bed too, the only colored thing in the room.

After changing into the pajamas, Dixie laid down on the bed. "Zitka, that was the worst pain I've ever felt," she whispered to the stuffed elephant. "I wonder what tomorrow will bring." She fell into a restless sleep.


Sorry this is so short.

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