Chapter 1

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Lexie's POV

"Boarding school?" I ask Mom. "It's what you need honey." She replies. I moan. I groan. I want to scream and curse at the woman standing upon me. "You know what I think of that? I think it sounds like crap!" I stomp out of the kitchen and out of the house after I grab my black boots and Vera Bradley purse. I pull out my car keys and get into my black jeep. "Hey we need to talk." I say when I see Alex at Starbucks deep into a book just where I thought he'd be. I order a Strawberrys and Cream frap. "That'll be $3.56. Can I have a name for your order?" The Orange haired, freckle face geek says from behind the counter. "Lexie. Now if I could gets find one of my cards."I rummage through my clustered purse in search of my wallet. "Shioot!" I say trying to make it sound like I was saying shoot. I left my wallet on my dresser. "Need help?" I voice says from behind me. I assume they are talking to someone else, it turns out they were talk to me. I spin around to face a tall boy wearing black ripped jeans and a black t shirt with a cross necklace. Tattoos covered his arms and he had brown curly hair with green eyes. I couldn't help but notice that he had a scare above his right eyebrow. "I can pay." He offered. I smiled and stepped out of the way so he could give the cashier his card. "Thanks." I said. He bobs his head as if saying " your welcome". I walk back to the table where Alex sits waiting for me. Well, he doesn't have to wait anymore because I slide into my chair and sit. He closes his book and puts his eyes on me like I was giving a speech. "My mom woke me up really early so she could tell me I didn't have to go to school." I pause. "For-" I was impterupted by the man behind the counter. "Lexie!" He calls. I get up rolling my eyes and grab my drink. I sit back down and cross my legs under the table. "So, as I was saying my mom pulled me out of school, forever and she says she is sending me to a boarding school in the UK." I look down and take a sip of my drink. " I'm not really good at long distance relationships. I hope we can still be friends." He just stares at me with blank eyes. "It wasn't really working out anyways. I mean we are so different and we always got into fights." I sign. "We can still be friends." I say as I walk out and get into my car. I sigh. Bang Bang comes on by Ariana grande, Jessie j, and Nikki. I sing along to the lyrics as best as I can. I work at a store called Beauty and Beast which is at the mall. We sell make-up and jewelry. The store was owned by my best friend but she died in a car crash not to long ago so everyone who worked at the store voted that I should own the store. I can't run the store now because of my crappy mother who just took the last piece of Lucy away from me. A tear streamed down my face. I reached the mall and unlocked the doors. I flicked the lights on and called Emily, another person who worked here. "Hey! Can u call Sarah and Kelly and tell them to come down here? Oh and can u come down here to?" I asked. "Where am i telling Sarah and Kelly to go with me?" She asks sleepily. "To the store." I replie.


"Hey guys." I say when Kelly, Sarah, and Emily arrive at the store. "I just found out that I am not going to be able to run Beauty and Beast. I'm not going to run it because my mother is sending me to boarding school." They gasp and sigh. "So that's why I'm going to let you three run it. Lucy would've wanted you to run it." I give the store keys to Emily. "Bye. I'll be gone for a year and when I come back I can run the store again, but you have to promise me that you will keep this store open." I say as seriously as I can. All at once they say "We promise." I give each of them a hug and leave the mall. Time to start packing for boarding school.

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