Chapter 4

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Harry's POV

"Harry!" Niall burst into the room and interrupted me. "We are going skinny dipping tonight at the campus pool. Give me a call if you want to come." He says. "And you can come too. If you want." He says to Lexie. "Well, I have to go." She says as she makes her way through the crowd of boys in the hall. "Dude, she's hot. Are you going to just be in the friend mode or the bed buddy mode?" Niall laughs. "I plan on getting in the shower with her and then I imagine her trying to push me down the drain." I smirk. "Ha ha. Very funny harry. But now I'm serious. If your not going to call dibs I will." I roll my eyes and walk over to the couch. "Where's the fricking remote?" I yell. "Calm down." Niall says. "I was just asking if I could ask her out." My face is starting to feel like when your at a camp fire and you go closer to be warm but you end up sweating. "Sorry bro. I just felt a little overwhelmed. I think I need some fresh air." I say. "Ok. Call me if you want to go." I nod and open the door for Niall. I wait a little while for the madness outside to settle down. I take a few deep breaths and open the window. I feel beads of sweat building up on my forhead. I leave a note by the tv saying I was at the beach just in case Lexie doesn't know where I am. I change into my swim suit and grab my surf board. I walk down the walk way that leads to the sweet smell of the Florida beach. I take my shoes of and leave them at the end of the deck and head into the water where I see a braid that I recognize instantly. The girl turns around and I see Lexie's bright blue eyes. The water reflects in them make them twinkle. She was laying on a surf board that looked like the night sky. All the colors combined were beautiful. Purple, blue in all shades. She looked behind her and started paddling. The wave reached the tip on her surf board and she glidded along the wave like it was a cloud. The wave dies down and she looks into my eyes.

Lexie's POV

I spot harry in the water sitting on a surf board with red and blue paint splattered along it. I ride a wave like there is no tomorrow. The wave slows to a stop and I slide off. I turn around and look into Harry's green eyes. He stares back into mine and I feel a rush go up my spine. I paddle over to him and straddle my legs on my board. "You surf?" He asks. "Been doing it sence I was 6 years old." I answer. "Nice. Today's a good day for it to. I like to just fall off my board and look at all the little details about the world below us. "I do that sometimes." I say as I play with my friendship bracelet I made for lucy and I. "Are you going tonight?" I ask Harry. "Where?" He questions. "Skinny dipping." I answer. "Yeah. You should come and get to know me a little better. Back home we use to go skinny dipping in my pool in my back yard and we would play truth or dare. It's really fun." He says. "Ok. Count me in." I reply. We both start to surf and talk on the beach. We chance each other around trying to dump buckets of water on our heads. We lay down on the beach and watch the sun set.

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