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How would you feel if you came from school and were studying in your room peacefully, like a normal 17 year old, listening to the Fall Out Boys, when out of no where your doors knocked down and a bunch of men come charging into your room(knocking down your stuff I might add) and violently grab you and tie you down.

You wouldn't like that very much would you.

Yeah, well neither did I. Hell I was pissed, confused, and scared out of my mind.

Back then I didn't have a clue of what was going on. I didn't know that my father was dead, I didn't know he had been involved with murder and I definetly didn't know they were arresting me for it.

That day had been the worst.

Not like any other day was different but still it's one of the many terrible memories that seemed to replay in my messed up mind.

I can still recall how I had been questioned by the high ranks. All the yelling and hitting, it was still fresh.

I can also remember when it was time for my sentencing by The High Council. After all my begging I learned that it was useless and stopped talking all together. They still blamed me for what my father had done, there was no changing their mind.

As I had entered The High Councils court their were rows of people watching my every move, like I was a ticking bomb seconds away from exploding. In the front row there sat my almighty Alpha king John with his kids, all of them had the same look on their faces, pure disgust and hatred.

I only brushed their glares aside as I had gotten used to the dirty looks. I had been in a holding cell for months so it gave me time to myself.

The guard who was walking me shoved me roughly into a chair. I had sat through the whole trial, I had no lawyer and the reason being was that I was such a disgrace I didn't deserve one. The High Council's words not mine.

In the werewolf community things were different, there was never any equality or fairness. It was either you were high ranked and honored or you were a nobody. I was neither. I was something lower than a nobody, I was a 'psychotic bitch' as the Alpha's son, Noah, liked to call me. I guess you could say the nickname fit me well.

I rose as they had summoned me to them.

"Alexis Solon Vega, The High Council has here by declared you guilty, you are to be sent away to the isolation island for seven years." The loud vibrato of one of the High Councils voice had made my stomach drop to the floor and the loud thumping of my heart ring in my ears.

I shouldn't have been surprised. I always knew that I would be sentenced harshly, after all I was the daughter of the man who killed Alpha John's mate.

My fate was sealed.


Ello there, yes finally another book. So this is just the beginning. Hope you like the book so far.

Also the picture is of Alexis.

Until the first chapter Wattpaders!

Oh and thanks for reading. :)

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