4: "Your helper in black"

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Betty's POV

A dark sports car drove fast past, splashing dirty water all over me. I didn't care, I just kept walking.

A happy-looking family sat on a bench, in a little park next to the road.
"Mommy, look! A beggar!", a little girl shouted.
"Let him be alone, Amelie. That man seems dangerous, don't annoy him!" the mom whispered to her kid, just little bit too loud.

A man?!?

I stopped walking, and turned towards the little family. Slowly I took the black hood of my head, and let my golden locks free.

"Mommy, it's a girl!", the smaller of two girls whispered with surprise. The middle-aged woman blushed a little bit, and turned away. I showed a little smile to those two cute girls, and kept walking.

Finally I arrived back to my "home", to the backyard of the fancy restaurant (it was called "Blue Hill", btw).

I was just sitting down between the green trash cans, when I saw something under my blanket. I lifted the blanket, and watched under it. There was a little white plastic bag, a piece of paper on it.

I took the piece of paper, and read the handwritten text from it.

"I thought you'd need something to eat, these are for you ;)

Your helper in black

My helper in black? What did that mean?

Slowly I opened the bag. There were food; bananas, bread and water. I was confused. Why there was food, placed on my sleeping place? And who had brought it?

I had only one option in my mind.

There was only one person that had payed any attention on me, without just looking me disgusted, like everyone else. Who actually looked at me, in my eyes. Who wanted to help me, but I hadn't let her, because I got so freaking scared, when she just appeared there, and wanted to come closer. The mysterious young woman with black, fancy clothes.

But why would she want to give me food? Was this some stupid ruse? What if she just wanted to poison me? I felt so confused.

I didn't want to eat the food. Not that I wasn't hungry, I was starving! But I couldn't be sure, what if it really was poisoned or something? I just closed the plastic bag, and put it in a corner of my "home".

Evening came, and my hunger started coming bigger and bigger. My stomach hurt, and I felt dizzy. I didn't have ate anything today, or even yesterday. I knew that I would have to eat - or at least drink - something soon.

I watched the corner of the trash cans. There it was. The plastic bag, full of food. Delicious food, full of energy. But I couldn't eat it, could I? It could possibly be poisoned!

But why would she want to poison me? What could she have against me? Maybe... maybe she just really wanted to help me...

I gave up. I opened the bag, and took one banana out of it. Quickly I peeled it, and took a huge bite. God, it tasted amazing! So sweet and delicious... I took another bite, closed my eyes, and just enjoyed of the feeling of the sweet food in my mouth.

When I had ate and drunk enough, I laid down on the ground, my blanket on me, and peacefully fell asleep.

Veronica's POV

I woke up on a beautiful morning. As soon as I got my eyes open, I got up, and opened my curtains. The sun was shining, and there were no clouds in the blue sky. Just one perfect spring morning.

I wore my black sweatpants and a white T-shirt. It was Saturday, so I didn't have to wear anything fancy for work. I got kitchen, and started to look for something to eat.

When I was just eating my cereal, Archie called. He tried to ask me somewhere to spend my day with him. But I said no, I just wasn't on the mood for his stupid jokes now.

I tried to invite what to today, but I couldn't find anything, what I would have liked to do. Everything just seemed so... useless and stupid. I had never liked those "activities for riches", they didn't make any sense.

And I knew that there was only one place I wanted to go. It felt weird, but something just pulled me to go back there.

So I packed some food with me, grabbed my favorite book, and my black long coat with me. I got into my car, and started driving, to the direction of "Blue Hill".

Hey guys! Sorry that this took so long... But I hope you enjoyed of the new chapter, see u in the next one!

~ S <3

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