Becoming Night

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Ansi rushed over to the Hutch after getting an emergency call for the Gyre. Ansi nocked into the door "Open up!" Ansi exclaimed "Is anyone in there?!".  Ansi ran over to 22-B's normal door and knocked to see if anyone would answer.

Saraline opened with a very unpleased face "You were supposed to use the other door!" she exclaimed pushing him in. "No one let me in. Who's even over there?" Ansi questioned looking around.

Goodness and Kathrine-Alice seemed to be the only other people here.

Saraline got Ansi's attention back, "Olly was supposed to be opening the door for everyone, but he's probably sleeping, I'm gonna check. You sit Ansi, let anyone in if they knock." Saraline rambled.

Ansi sat down in the chair next to the girls. "So... When did you girls get here?" Ansi asked.

"Oh, Me and Kathrine-Alice were in my apartment hanging until we got the call, then I used the useful tactic of fog wipe!" Goodness explained happily, "Man, you should have seen Saraline's face when we appeared in here. She jumped so high, she could have broken something when landing!".

 They all jumped at the sound of Saraline yelling at Olly to wake up in the other room. "Why couldn't she warn us?!" Ansi exclaimed, abruptly getting ignored by knocking at the door. Goodness got up and got it for the rest of the gang.

Saraline sprinted into the room, "Why are you guy's so late?!" she yelled. "Literally everyone else is here! What took you so long?!"

"Well sorry I was trying to get some beauty rest!" Dennis yelled. "It's 11:00pm, you expect us to be up and ready in tip top shape like Goodness!"

"Hey, That's my choice to not sleep" Goodness huffed.

Julia walked into the room with a cart ,"Saraline may expect you to be ready at this time, but this is the only time she could assemble you guys without people bothering." Julia explained, "Me and Saraline understand its late, but I need to collect some data."

"What kind of data are you trying to collect and how are we involved with this?" Ansi asked with complete confusion.

"Oh no don't worry!" Julia said not very reassuringly, "No one's gonna get hurt, unless that's what you want. But the tests will be for the mind scape, what your dream realm dreams is your own discovery and mine to evaluate later."

"Wait! Your going into our minds?!" Wendell yelled, "Let me tell you, that is no place you wanna be!"

"No, your dream realm, so not what you see every day, what you see when you sleep." Julia said.

"NO! Now that's private! A time for us to enjoy! Why do we had to share it with you!" Goodness yelled. "It's not fair that you pull us from our beds, and tell us that 'Were gonna check out your dreams'."

Saraline stepped in "Shut up Goodness, It's not like you were sleeping any way."

Goodness huffed in anger, " Don't worry Goodness" Julia said calmingly, "I'm doing this with you guys too. I would never make you do something that you didn't want to do... And if I were to make you do it, I would do it too."

"So when are we gonna get strapped down! I wanna see what my dreams actually feel like!" Olly said happily.

"Oliver, were not getting strapped down! Were getting hooked up." Leif added. "Leif's right for the second time! It only took about, I don't know, a year, good job..." Saraline said sarcastically. "Now let's get hooked up!"

*10 minutes later* 

"Ok, everyone hooked up, Wires in place?" Julia asked, "I'm gonna turn it on now. Ok, Ready, Well everyone, Goodnight"

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