Truth for pidgeon

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Me:Meh, I'm just curious. So Pidge!
Pidge: yes?
Me: what is one word you would use to describe each paladin of Voltron? Plus, Coran cuz we stan him.
Pidge: well let's see here....
•Hunk~ Innocent
•Shiro~ Dad
•Lance~ Flirt
•Keith~ emo
•Allura~ ...princess?
Shiro: I told you to stop calling me that.
Hunk: awwe thanks
Lance: yeah okay. Fitting.
Keith: IM NOT EMO!
Allura: you're not wrong
Coran: *just standing in the middle of the room doing fortnite dances and screaming* CORAN CORAN THE GORGEOUS MAN
Pidge: oh god I broke him
(A/N) this is really short but I haven't updated in a while and I was bored

Word count: 115

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