Chapter 1

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Obi-Wan Kenobi faced the Jedi Council while the young Padawan kept in his shadow. Anakin Skywalker stood at half his height, but the boy from Tatooine projected a strong confidence even at his young age. Beyond the expansive windows wrapping the Jedi Council chamber full-circle, congested lanes of crimson tail lights pulsed through the air, the heartbeat of Coruscant City. Blue lights, red and green, and every hue in between, glinted off the lines of traffic crossing the star wept sky. Polished speeders slipped between air taxis, cargohoppers, and an endless flow of transport vehicles.

Obi-Wan hammered back their criticisms.

"We must not ignore the sign." He took a step closer to the Jedi Masters seated on the embryotic-inspired chairs. "We've had this discussion long before Anakin came into our presence. And last night he dreamed the same Force premonition we all have. It is not coincidence." He spread his arms out, down at his sides. "Master Windu. You of all people understand what this means. Through your shatterpoint connection with the Force, you can see the chain reactions of people and events, how they are related. You yourself said that this was the furthest you've ever gleamed into the future using your gift. This is the sign in the Force that we have been seeking."

"Master Kenobi? Who was the monster in the black armor in my dream?" Anakin's brow furrowed in worry. "I feel I know him?"

"Not to worry, my young Padawan. All will be as it should. The Force is with us."

Master Yoda leaned forward in his chair. "Hmm. Tell your Padawan, outside to wait for you. Discuss this matter further in private we shall."

Anakin bowed and left the room. When the door to the council chamber closed, the discussion erupted, boiling over with concern.

Windu addressed the others. "What if this Sith Lord is not the only one? Not the one?" He cupped his chin with his hand.

"Maul is dead," Obi Wan said.

Yoda's ears perked up. "So sure are you," he chided.

"I struck him in two. I saw it with my own eyes."

"Ah. You rely on your sense of sight." Yoda chuckled, then grew serious. "We must not fall into the snare of the past. Many have survived greater conflicts. And death is not final. Not even for the Sith."

Obi Wan realized his narrow-minded mistake, and bowed to concede the point.

The Cerean, Ki-Adi-Mundi, steepled his fingers, his blue-hued hologram flickering as he spoke. "I concur with Master Kenobi. We may not get another chance at this. I believe we should act."

"This will be an apocalypse. We will see the fall the Jedi Order. So many will die. That's what the premonition assures us," Plo Koon protested.

"And how many deaths will follow in the wake of the alternative? We have seen this, too." Obi-Wan paced in front of the council. "The grand battle station we have gleamed, if left unchecked, will be used to destroy hundreds of planets, and bring great suffering to the galaxy."

"I agree with Master Kenobi. The threat in this case far outweighs the sacrifice of the Jedi. And this is why we have been called to serve." Kit Fisto's tentacle-tresses quivered, his bulbous, black Nautolan eyes fixed on Obi Wan. Mace Windu and Yoda yielded with a nod.

After a long debate, Agen Kolar, Saesee Tinn, Coleman Kcaj and Stass Allie all sided in union with the other council members, and the accord was struck.

"Good. Then we are in agreeance. The Jedi will let this play out—until the end." Yoda pouted his lips in thought. "Obi-Wan. Anakin will have great sacrifices to make, as each of us do. With care you must reveal our intent to young Skywalker, or a great regret will manifest in his duty to the Jedi." The wizened Jedi rubbed a clawed finger over his staff. "The Council has spoken in unity. May the Force guide us."

STAR WARS: Presage of the Force (A Fan Fic by Michael Holiday)Where stories live. Discover now