they talked on the phone for hours,

listening to each other breathe,

she couldnt help but feel,

a little bit relieved.

they would laugh and smile,

banter back and forth,

about stupid things,

that had no worth.

for the first time in a while,

it felt like she mattered,

she felt like her life,

wasn't completely tattered.

her happiness was short lived,

when she went online,

she seen all of these beautiful models,

and she felt like crying.

flawless skin,

perfect hair,

she wondered;

"why am I even trying?"

she looked down at her wrists,

in some dazed-sort-of-bliss,

she craved the feeling of blood,

dripping down her wrists.

she made many new lines,

like artwork on her flesh,

she didn't know why,

but she felt refreshed.

she watched as the blood trickled down,

onto her hardwood flooring,

she thought about her life,

and how it was so boring.

she wondered why harry called,

why he even bothered,

he must have something better to do,

like look at all of those models.

it turns out she was wrong,

in the darkness of the night,

for her phone rang.

giving her a fright.

she picked up the phone,

when she answered he said;

"how are you doing?

i feel so dead,

my parents are arguing,

and I just want to go to bed.

my life isn't all sunshine and rainbows,

i'm actually quite sad,

most days are lonely,

most days are bad.

my dad is yelling,

my mom is crying,

I always say to myself,

'why am I trying?' "

she was very shocked,

very much sad,

so she started to speak,

so she wouldn't feel bad.

"Its ok to feel lonely,

its ok to feel sad,

but when you're feeling lonely,

remember, you don't have it that bad.

sometimes I cry,

most days I weep,

but remember your happiness,

its something to cherish and keep.

for me it is rare,

to feel something at all,

most days i'm numb,

and feel nothing at all.

i'm sorry about your parents,

but be thankful you have them,

mine died,

but i can't remember when.

even though its hard,

to not give into the darkness,

try to feel something else,

other than sadness.

i'm always here to talk,

but always make it quick,

because before you know it,

ill be gone faster than you break a thin stick."

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