1st October 2014

137 4 0

Alaska was so excited. The moment she got home she ran straight to her room and grabbed her laptop. She didn't have her phone because she cracked it, oh clumsy Alaska! She opened her laptop and it revealed her cracked screen. It's been there for a pretty long time. Alaska had some sort of anger issue. When she was mad, she would just punch anything she'd see no matter how important it was. Anyways, she opened up her skype and the moment she read his message, a frown appeared on her face. Let's call him X.

X: r u cheating on me?

Alaska: no! who told you that?! i love you! how can i cheat in you if i have no phone

X: idk if i can trust u

"Woah. He doesn't even trust me, and today was supposed to be our monthsary.. How great, so is he gonna dump me now or what," Alaska thought to herself.

Her thoughts were right. He ended up dumping her and she cried constantly for three days. In all the three days, she threatened to kill herself, which made X hate her even more than he already did. Alaska has always wanted to kill herself, but she was just scared she'd go to hell. One of Alaska's biggest life goal is to go to heaven.

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