The First Encounter

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"I'll see you soon, Kurapika!" shouted Leorio as he exited the bus and left his friend behind. He walked up to a rather big building and was greeted by a friendly face inside.

"Hello! Welcome to Kulego Medical University, how can I help you today?" asked the kind front desk worker.
Flashing his Hunter ID with a proud smile, Leorio exclaimed, "I'd like to register as a student!"

After a great deal of paper work, Leorio was heading out to find a book store recommended by the service assistant. The shop was rather small but it had a great variety of books and text books.

Tch! There's someone looking at the medical textbooks already... Leorio thought to himself, picking up some random romance novel in the same aisle. Waiting for the person to leave, Leorio decided to read the summary on the back of the book.

A young writer finds herself stuck in the middle of a love triangle between her editor and a childhood best friend. She struggles to determine what she should... Agh, this is such a lame plot, she should really put her writing career first! Leorio complained to himself.
While reading the summary, Leorio failed to notice a pair of eyes wandering to him.

"Hey! That's a boring book, she ends up with her best friend anyways," says the girl in front of the medical textbooks.
"Oh? And here I thought she'd sleep with the editor to further her career," Leorio snickered.
The girl laughed much to Leorio's surprise, "so are you a student at Kulego too?"
"Yes, yes I am! My name is (y/n)," she extended her arm, smiling.
Happily returning the gesture, "I'm Leorio, a pleasure!"

After buying a couple of the required textbooks, Leorio and (y/n) were walking out together.
"So what floor do you live on?" asked (y/n).
"Seventh, it's kind of high but I'm sure it has a great view!"
"You haven't seen your room yet?"
"Nope! Been busy buying textbooks." and talking to a cute girl.
"We should go check your room out, I also live on the seventh floor!"
"What? No way! What room?" he said in shock.
"Tch! And here I thought we'd be neighbors, I'm in 715."
"Wow, you sound a little disappointed there," she said lightheartedly.
"Maybe just a little," Leorio pouted.
"Hmm, what's your first class?" she asked.
"I think it's Intro to Diseases," he said.
"Oh! Awesome, we have the same first class so we can walk together in the mornings, yeah?"
"I would love that," nodded Leorio.

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