Meet Kinaki Sanchez

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Name: Kinaki Sanchez
Age: 16
Birthday: November 16, 2002
family: Denise Sanchez (Mother) and Ronald Hughes Sanchez Jr. (father, hated)
Traits: long pink hair, bright ocean blue eyes (those ocean eyes.. sorry, Billie Eilish), and a smile that can bring the meanest man to the brink of saying 'KAWAII'. Kinaki has the most beautiful singing voice and can bring anyone to tears. Her voice is as sweet as an angel in disguise.
Likes: the colour pink, music, playing piano, doing her hair, drawing, and her friends that she sadly had to leave behind in England.
Dislikes: people she doesn't know, rude snobby people, being grounded, and her father.
(Picture of her at top.)
Background: Kinaki was born into a rich family in England. Her family runs a fashion line and when she turned 10, she was put in every magazine modeling her mother's designs. Kinaki was always abused by her drunk father and grew to despise him. But when she figured out she was moving to Japan, she started to learn Japanese. She always like to learn Japanese, and started speaking in it only a few weeks after her first, very educational, lesson. Her mother was very impressed and decided to move sooner than was originally planned. They left her father behind and finished her school tears in Ouran Academy, a private Institution near her house. There on her first day, she met the Host Club.

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