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Sorry it took so long to update. I've been busy on vacation! Longer chapter... This is when stuff actually happens! Enjoy...
(Later that day in 3rd Period)
(Audrey, Adyson, Analice, Noa, Gracelyn and Poppy were sitting together in the square of chairs in the library. Lorelei, Jayden and Charlotte are sitting on a step K.S. And Katarina are sitting on benches. Most importantly, Silas and his friends are sitting a different step.)
(Jayden comes and sits next to Noa, Noa and Audrey switch seats)
Jayden: Would you go out with Silas?
Audrey: I mean, yes but your just making this up
Jayden: I'm asking you out for him
Jayden: Would you?
Audrey: Yeah, but it's all fake
(Jayden walks over to Silas)
Jayden: You have a girlfriend
Silas: What??
Audrey*freaking out*:Was that real? Was she making that up? (Etc.)
(Jayden goes back to Lorelei and Charlotte
(Everyone else is in shock)
(Poppy walks over to Silas)
Poppy: You're dating Audrey??
Silas: No! Who told you!?
(Audrey runs over to Jayden and Lorelei and Charlotte while freaking out)
Charlotte: Lay on your stomach and feel yourself breathing focus on that.
(After Audrey is with them for a while she goes to talk to K.S. and Katarina)

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