ironman. Pt 1

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6:00 am
I woke up to a phone call from my best friend Marisa , I picked up and I could hear her screaming " Y/N THERES OPENINGS AT MY JOB OH MY GOD PLEASE COME AND INTERVIEW " there was a short pause before I asked "you mean at Stark Industries ?"  " YES YES PLEASE COME" she screamed yet again "okay okay I will just let me get ready" you said and hung up. I ran my hands through my hair frustrated, I've been trying to find a job for a while since I got fired from my last job, but I never get hired. I have little experience and I doubt I'll get the job at Stark Industries but Marisa is so exited.. Fuck it, right? I have nothing to loose. What to wear... hmmm I think I have just the thing. A burgundy long sleeve blouse that fits a little too tight but will have to do with a black skirt that reaches just a little above your knee some black heels and a back blazer. I looked in the mirror and honestly it didn't look bad at all. I did some light makeup which for me was just a little foundation/eyebrows/winged eyeliner/ and a little lipstick. I rushed out the door and got into my car and drove to Stark Industries, I parked and got out my car dropping my keys "shit" I mumbled as I turned around to pick them up I saw a man with a grey suit he was taller than me so I couldn't see his face until I looked up... Tony Stark he reached his hand out and handed me my keys "dropped these" he said "thank you, wow I'm so clumsy" you said laughing a little bit he smiles at you "sorry I'm gonna be late I have to go in" he said as he rushed into the building looking back and waving goodbye, you waved back.. god that smile, Tony was so gorgeous you thought to yourself waking to the building. As soon as I walked in I was greeted by Marisa who was a receptionist " okay you're going in at 7:15, you're interviewing for secretary okay? Tony's secretary left and he really needs someone" she pushed me into the room since it was 7:00 already i smiled at her as she closed the door. Shit shit shit what if he's the one interviewing me, I'm so nervous we've all heard about Tony Stark the playboy . My thoughts were cut off as a woman walked in a greeted me saying she would be interviewing me, I sighed in relief. The interview was very basic and fast I was honest and said I had little experience but I was willing to learn. She smiled and said " you're in, were desperate to find a new secretary.. when can you start?"
Ummm " tomorrow is fine" you answered and shook her hand, "great, see you tomorrow then" she said walking out. Marisa walked it smiling " YOU GOT THE JOB OMG ILL SEE YOU EVERYDAY" she screamed. See before this I saw Marisa maybe once or twice a week because of this job, she always said it was very demanding. " I DID" I said as I hugged her and thanked her " here, it's your badge and everything you'll need, go home and rest because your life is about to be busy" she said.
Time skip to later that day**
I can't believe I'll be working at Stark industries tomorrow, to be fair I'm pretty nervous.. I've heard that Tony isn't exactly something easy to handle hence why they need a new secretary but hopefully everything goes by smoothly. As I was about to head to bed I hear my phone ring I pick it up and answer " hello" there was a little pause and then heard a mans voice " hello we're calling from Stark Industries, we need you to come in at 4:00 am please Tony will be needing of you" and hung up wow I guess I'll be waking up early.
3:00 am
My alarm went off making me jump a little getting scared before realizing I needed to get out of bed I quickly took a shower got into a outfit did my hair, makeup and put on my badge and walked to my car. I got in drive to Stark Industries thinking about how today was probably gonna be a interesting day. Getting out my car I walked to the building and walked in, this time I was greeted by a man " hello are you miss Y/N" he asked " Yes, we're you waiting for me" I asked he looked at me walked away and got on the phone. He came back and smiled " um yes Tony is waiting for you, he's been working and needs you to help with the paperwork" he said nicely showing me the way " my name is Happy by the way" he smiled shaking my hand "well we're here" he said opening what I assumed Tony's office to be. He closed the door and left, the place was beautiful and huge the wall facing the City was all glass and the sun was coming out making the city so beautiful, your thoughts were cut by Tony walking in " so you're my secretary nice to see you again" he smiled and shook my hand " nice to see you again sir" he lifted up a finger shaking it " no no it's Tony not sir, I'm not that old yet" he smiled as you felt yourself blush you're a very shy person and The Tony Stark is your boss now. " okay Tony where do you need me" you asked him he looked around at all the paperwork pointing at chair by his desk "sit please, all the paperwork is.. scattered" he said looking at the mess on his desk you walked over to the table looking at all the papers you paused a little before taking everything and organizing them into piles there was sketches of suits and papers that simply needed to be read through and signed... you felt him looking at you as you finished separating the papers and sitting down "wow looks much better" he said leading on the opposite side of the desk " Listen my assistant just quit and I'm gonna need you to take her place assistant secretary same thing" before you could even get a word out he said " this is actually your office so I'll leave you to it" and just walked out. My office wow it's huge I can't imagine what his office looks like, I'm confused though from secretary to now assistant soon the phone started ringing and I started doing well assistant stuff constantly calling Stark or and calling back the companies to inform them of his decisions. Although he said that I need to be making some of the decisions as well. The job is actually exhausting, Tony has a busy life which meant I did too. Within the first week of the job you had already traveled with him, went to conferences and been at the presidents. Tony was very professional sometimes seemed cold and arrogant but he could be sweet when he wanted to. Today was the day you'd be accompanying him to a party . Tony called to your office you immediately picked up " yes Sir?" You answered " it's Tony remember not sir, I wanted to remind you were going to the party tonight I sent someone to get you a dress, go home and get ready" he then hung up before you could answer.. this was the thing with Tony he was straight to the point and always cut you off but I suppose he is the boss
3rd person pov**
You walked to your car while trying to get out your phone out to call Tony, he said he sent someone to buy you a dress but he never said where the dress would be. You unlock your car and see a bag with your name on it as you open it you see a note that says " it's simple but I think it'll look great- Stark" you smile and drive home to shower and yet again do your makeup and hair as you open the bad you find a beautiful long black dress it is simple but it's so beautiful you slip it on and it fits like a glove you put on some heels and wear a dark red lipstick
you pick up your phone and text Stark
You: thank you Tony the dress is beautiful
Tony: of course, I'll pick you up in 20

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